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Waste Management Permits and Registrations

Requirements for municipal solid, industrial and hazardous, commercial industrial nonhazardous, and othe wastes. Pending and current permits. Registration status.

Featured Items:
Delinquent Fees and Penalties Will Affect Processing Applications
Effective Sept. 1, 2006, the TCEQ will no longer issue, amend, or renew permits, registrations, certifications, or licenses to an entity or person who is delinquent on penalties or fees.
Related Categories:
Commercial Industrial Nonhazardous Waste
Requirements for industries that produce nonhazardous wastes and anyone who transports, processes, or receives these wastes.
Hazardous and Industrial Waste
Permitting and registration requirements for who produces hazardous wastes and for anyone who transports, processes, or receives these wastes.
Medical Waste
Regulations for the handling, treatment, and proper disposal of sharps, samples, and other wastes of concern from clinics and similar settings.
Municipal Solid Waste
Permitting and registration requirements for who transports, processes, stores, or disposes municipal solid waste.
Radioactive Waste
Requirements for the transport or disposal of radioactive wastes in Texas.
Sludge Permits and Registrations
Regulatory requirements for anyone who generates, transports, or disposes of sludge or sludge wastes in Texas.
Status of Waste Permits and Registrations
Find out about pending and recent waste permit applications.
Underground Injection Control Permits and Registrations
Requirements for drilling and operating wells for the solution mining of sulfur, salts or uranium, or for injecting liquid wastes and other substances underground.
Used Oil Recycling Program
Rules for businesses that collect, transport, recycle, reuse, or dispose of used oil or used oil filters in Texas.
Topics Under This Category:
Financial Assurance for Class A or B Petroleum-Substance Contaminated Soil Storage, Treatment, and Reuse Facilities
Financial assurance requirements and contact information pertaining to Class A or Class B petroleum-substance contaminated soil storage, treatment and reuse facilities.
Financial Assurance for Scrap Tire Sites
Financial assurance requirements and contact information pertaining to scrap tire sites.
Rule Interpretation Memos (RIMs) for Waste Management Regulations
Information on rule interpretation memos (RIMs) and links to current RIMs on waste management.
Scrap Tire Program
Scrap Tires
Tips for Septic Systems
On-site sewage facilities, or OSSFs, must be designed on the basis of a site evaluation that accounts for local conditions.
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