You are here: Home Offices of the Commissioners and Executive Director Office of Public Assistance TCEQ Customer Service Compact with Texans

TCEQ Customer Service Compact with Texans

The TCEQ's pledge to provide the best possible customer service to its customers.

Section 2114 of the Government Code requires the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to survey recipients of TCEQ services each biennium in order to measure customer satisfaction levels. The TCEQ has summarized its findings for the 2006-08 biennium in the FY 2008 Report on Customer Service, which is now available in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF)

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality pledges through this Compact with Texans to provide the best possible service to our customers.

The TCEQ is one of the most comprehensive state environmental agencies in the nation. Our responsibilities are grossly diversified and include those of permitting, licensing, compliance, enforcement, pollution prevention programs and education related to preservation and protection of our air and water quality and safe disposal of waste. The TCEQ has approximately 3,000 employees, 16 regional offices, and an annual budget that exceeds $500 million funded primarily by regulatory program fees, federal funds and the state general revenue fund. For more information, call 512/239-1000 or follow this web link:

The Office of Permitting and Registration is responsible for implementing the federal and state laws and regulations governing all aspects of permitting for air, water and waste programs. For more information about the timelines and requirements for a permit of specific interest to you, call 512/239-2104 or follow this web link

The Compliance Support Division issues occupational licenses to qualified individuals in the environmental professions ranging from on-site sewage system installers to public water system operators. The licensing requirements for each program are based on job analyses which identify licensee job tasks for the purposes of training and examination development. In general, the licensing activities involve, application review for verification of licensee qualifications such as, experience, education, completion of basic training courses and an examination; review of renewal applications for continuing education requirements; performance of job analysis; examination development and administration; training approval; and initiation of enforcement actions when necessary. After qualifications are verified, most licenses will be issued within 45 days. For more information about occupational licenses, call 512/239-6300 or follow this web link:

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality is dedicated to serving the people of Texas and ensuring meaningful public participation in the decision making process. To accomplish these goals, we pledge and commit to the following:

  • Responding to all customers in a timely, efficient and professional manner, in compliance with all applicable state and federal statutes and regulations;
  • Providing clear, concise and accurate information related to all applicable licensing and certification procedures via written materials and our official website;
  • Establishing a Public Input section of our website which will contain comprehensive information related to public participation for all aspects of our operations including but not limited to permitting, rulemaking, compliance and customer service contacts;
  • Tracking and responding to customer service complaints in a timely manner; and
  • Providing safe, clean and accessible facilities across the state.

We realize that no matter what processes we implement, there will be times when we do not meet the needs of our customers at the service level expected and we are always looking for ways to improve. We are proud to have in place a process which will immediately address those times. Our complaint process has a two fold mission:

Swiftly and effectively address the issue at hand and take the appropriate action to avoid similar future dissatisfaction.

Our complaint process is as simple as it is effective. We have appointed a Customer Service Representative, the Director of our Office of Public Assistance, to monitor complaints and ensure swift and efficient resolution as well as process modification as necessary. This representative can be reached at 512/239-4000 or at the e-mail address shown below. Any complaints received will be forwarded to the appropriate office for attention. It is our promise that all complaints will be addressed and a written notification sent to the complainant within two working days and resolved within ten working days from receipt.

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality continually strives to provide quality customer service and we value your opinion and encourage you to tell us about your experience with us and what you think about our service and how you believe we can improve. We ask that you take a moment to complete our customer survey to assist us in serving you better in the future.

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