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What Happens After
You File a Complaint With the PUC?

  • The complaint is assigned to an investigator for evaluation.

  • The investigator contacts your electric or telephone company.

  • The company has 21 days to investigate and respond to the PUC.

  • After receiving the company's response, the investigator makes an evaluation to determine if the company is at fault.

  • The PUC will send both you and your company a letter about the investigator's conclusions.

If You Are Not Satisfied with the PUC's Investigation

A formal complaint is similar to a court case, much like a trial. You will be considered a complainant, and you will be a party to the case with certain legal rights and obligations. If you decide to file a formal complaint, you may want an attorney to help you understand the procedures and the applicable laws and rules that are relevant to the complaint.

You will be required to follow certain procedural rules if you decide to file a formal complaint. A complete set of rules is available on the PUC's web site at

The formal complaint process starts when either you or your electric or telephone company appeals Customer Protection's decision. If your complaint is with an electric company and you reside within the city limits, you must first submit your complaint to the city. You may file a formal complaint with the PUC after the city has reviewed your complaint or after thirty days if the city does not act.

For complete information about filing a formal complaint, please review the PUC brochure
How to File a Formal Complaint (pdf *).

What the PUC Regulates (and what it does not)

Last Updated: 11/25/03

* PDF files require the use of the Adobe Acrobat Reader. Down load a free copy here.