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SOSDirect - Online Searching and Filing
Online Searching and Filing

Index of Report Forms Filed by Professional Associations, Limited Partnerships, and Nonprofit Corporations

Note: Free software such as Microsoft® Word Viewer or Adobe® Acrobat Reader 6.0 or higher may be required to view the richly formatted forms included in this section.

Printing Note: To print an Adobe form, select Print from the File menu, select the 'Print as image' check box, and then click OK.

Reports; Reinstatements; Payment Form

* Online filing available through SOSDirect
Form Number
Application for Reinstatement and Request to Set Aside Tax Forfeiture - Form to be used by an entity when applying to reinstate its existence or registration after its forfeiture under the Tax Code. (Limited to tax forfeiture reinstatements.) Rev. 10-08 (# of pages - 4) (Word 176kb, Acrobat 72kb)
Periodic Report of a Nonprofit Corporation - Form to be used by a nonprofit corporation to make the report required by law. Rev. 03-09 (# of pages - 4) (Word 131kb, Acrobat 110kb)
Annual Statement of a Professional Association - Form to be used by a professional association to make the report required by law. Rev. 09-09 (# of pages - 5) (Word 167kb, Acrobat 151kb)
Periodic Report of a Limited Partnership - Form to be used by a limited partnership to make the report required by law. Rev. 09-09 (# of pages - 4) (Word 120kb, Acrobat 82kb)
Application for Reinstatement After Involuntary Termination or Revocation - Form to be used to reinstate an entity that is governed by the Texas Business Organizations Code and has been involuntarily terminated or revoked for non-tax reasons. Rev. 09-09 (# of pages - 6) (Word 122kb , Acrobat 85kb)
Application for Reinstatement After Involuntary Dissolution or Revocation - Form to be used to reinstate a corporation or limited liability company that was formed before January 1, 2006, has not elected early adoption of the Texas Business Organizations Code, and has been involuntarily dissolved or revoked for non-tax reasons. Rev. 10-08 (# of pages - 6) (Word 111kb, Acrobat 96kb)
Reports Unit Payment Form - Form for use in transmitting credit card, LegalEase, or client account payment information when filing documents by facsimile. Rev. 03-09 (# of pages - 1) (Word 164kb, Acrobat 106kb)