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Groundwater Resources Division

"Groundwater is and continues to be a major source of water in Texas" - 2002 State Water Plan

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Windmills at the American Wind Power Center in Lubbock. Photographed by Robert Mace, 2005.

Windmills at the American Wind Power Center in Lubbock.
Photo: Robert Mace, 2005.

Groundwater is a major source of water in Texas. In the year 2000 it constituted almost 60 percent of the approximately 17 million acre-feet of water used in the state. This usage is expected to continue - albeit at slightly lower decreasing levels - to the year 2050.

The Groundwater Resources Division is responsible for all aspects of groundwater studies in the state. We monitor water levels and quality in the state's aquifers, conduct regional-scale aquifer modeling, and house and maintain water well records.

We also approve groundwater districts' management plans, and provide groundwater information to citizens and lawmakers of the state.

Meeting Announcements and Events:

October 7-9, 2009: The 2009 U.S. Drought Monitor Forum sponsored by the National Drought Mitigation Center, Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) offices in Austin, Texas. More information here.

October 13-14, 2009: "Groundwater 101 and Aquifers of the Upper Coastal Plains": Sponsored by the TWDB and Texas A&M University will take place on the Texas A & M campus in College Station. For more information contact Brenner Brown at (512) 475-1128.

November 16-18, 2009: As part of its annual conference series and its Initiative for Watershed Excellence program, the River Systems Institute will host Land, Water, People 2009, San Marcos Convention Center, Texas. More information here or by contacting Annette Paulin, conference coordinator at conference09@grandecom.net.

Mission Statement

The mission of the TWDB's Groundwater Resources Division is to collect, interpret, and provide accurate, objective information on the groundwater resources of Texas.

Vision Statement

The vision of the TWDB's Groundwater Resources Division is for the people of Texas to understand their groundwater resources.

The Aquifer Monitor: September 2009pdf document

  • square red bullet Final edition of the Aquifer Monitor! ...
  • square red bullet Groundwater 101 conference registration now online! ...
  • square red bullet New quick reference reports! ...

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Archived News: pdf document

2006 Annual Report pdf document

Annual report of the activities and accomplishments of the Groundwater Resources Division.

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