Texas Department of Insurance

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Other TDI Web Sites   

  • Helpinsure - A free and secure service of the State of Texas to help Texans shop for homeowners insurance; help companies find commercial property insurance along the Texas coast; allow Texas homeowners to make their information available to carriers and allow insurance companies and agents to review that information and contact homeowners about their insurance needs.
  • TexasHealthOptions.com - A service of the State of Texas - with links to government & other Web sites to help Texans shop for health insurance, as well as compare costs and quality of health care.
  • TexasSure - The vehicle insurance verification program (called TexasSure) came about when the Texas Legislature directed the Texas Departments of Insurance, Public Safety, Transportation, and Information Resources to develop a system to reduce the number of uninsured motorists. Working together, the agencies have compiled a database that connects every registered vehicle in the state by its license plate, vehicle identification number (VIN), and liability insurance policy. That means that law enforcement officers and tax assessor-collectors can immediately access the database and verify if you are driving without insurance.
  • TXComp - Division of Workers' Compensation - Verify an employer’s workers’ compensation coverage; locate an insurance carrier’s contact information; report a work-related injury; sign up for access to the claim or coverage system; locate a workers’ compensation claim with authorized access; locate a doctor approved to provide care for a work-related injury; and sign up as a health care provider in the workers’ compensation system. 
  • Exit Strategy - A State Fire Marshal's Office program urging Texans to always have two ways out of a room in case of a fire. 

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Last updated: 07/29/2009

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