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Unemployment Insurance Benefits
Earnings Verification

The Earnings Verification system allows employers to use the Internet to respond to the Earnings Verification Form. TWC will use the earnings information provided to determine if the claimant's unemployment insurance benefits were paid correctly. If the earnings amounts provided by the claimant and employer differ, the claimant's unemployment insurance benefits may be adjusted. This could result in a potential reduction of chargebacks, possibly leading to a reduced tax rate for the employer.
What You Will Need
To logon, you need the claimant's Social Security Number and Acess Key, provided on the Earnings Verification Request form.

Start your Earnings Verification

light bulb graphic Technology Requirements
Recommended browsers are Internet Explorer 6.1 and higher and Firefox 2.x. Click Internet Explorer or Firefox to download a free upgrade.
light bulb graphic Public Computer
If you are using a computer in a public place, logoff and close the browser when you are finished entering information. This is for your protection and will prevent someone else from viewing your information.

Last Revision: July 18, 2008