Texas Department of Insurance

Website Survey


May 26, 2009


TO: All Insurers and Health Maintenance Organizations Doing Business in Texas

RE: 2009 TexasDisaster Plan Survey

Following a disaster in Texas, the Governor’s Division of Emergency Management (GDEM) coordinates the state’s disaster response and recovery efforts.  GDEM, the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI), the Institute for Business & Home Safety (a non-profit educational organization sponsored by the property and casualty insurance industry), emergency management organizations, property and casualty (P&C) carriers, and trade groups formed the Texas State Disaster Coalition (TSDC) to formalize communication among these groups in the event of a major disaster in Texas.  In 2005, the TSDC expanded to include consumer groups and life and health insurers and trade associations.  The TSDC adopted the Texas State Disaster Coalition Catastrophe Plan.  For more information about the TSDC and the Texas Catastrophe Plan visit http://www.tdi.state.tx.us/consumer/storms/hcoalition.html.


The Plan calls for an annual survey of all insurers doing business in Texas, including life, health, surplus lines, title, and workers’ compensation carriers.  The survey includes questions about two types of plans: a catastrophe plan for paying large numbers of claims following a disaster, and a business continuity plan should the company experience a significant business interruption that affects claims processing or other activities.  The person(s) knowledgeable about each type of plan should be consulted about your company’s responses.  Please note that TDI is not requesting a copy of your company’s catastrophe and business continuity plans; however, the plan documents and testing documentation are subject to review during TDI examinations. 


Pursuant to Section 38.001 of the Texas Insurance Code, please complete the survey on TDI’s website within ten days after receipt of this bulletin.  The link is

https://wwwapps.tdi.state.tx.us/inter/asproot/consumer/disastsur/survey.asp.  If you have questions about the survey, please contact Melissa Hield at Melissa.Hield@tdi.state.tx.us or 512-322-4349.



Mike Geeslin

Commissioner of Insurance

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