Texas Department of Insurance

Website Survey


January 5, 2009


TO: All Insurers and Health Maintenance Organizations Authorized or Eligible to Do Business in Texas

RE: 2008 Policy Count Exhibit

The Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) is required to provide consumers with complaint ratios.  These ratios must be computed as "the number of justified, verified as accurate, and documented as valid complaints" received against a company "as a percentage of the number of insurance policies... in force on the preceding December 31...." (Section 521.052 of the Texas Insurance Code).  In order to satisfy this mandate regarding 2008 complaints, TDI must require companies to report the number of policies in force as of December 31, 2008.

Please read, then complete and file the attached form to report the required information.  The filing is due no later than February 6, 2009. This request is made pursuant to Section 38.001 of the Texas Insurance Code.

This filing is not for the combined reporting of a group of affiliated companies.  A separate filing is required for each company licensed in Texas as of December 31, 2008.  A separate notice is being sent to each licensed company, as well as to each surplus lines carrier eligible to do business in Texas. 

Please see the Instructions sheet for details.  For your convenience, you may file the completed form either by mail, fax, or electronically via the Internet. If you file the form by fax or the Internet, please do not also mail the form to TDI.

If you have any questions regarding the form or its filing, please contact Melissa Hield via e-mail at melissa.hield@tdi.state.tx.us or call her at 512-305-8194.  Thank you for assisting us in providing accurate information to Texas consumers.

Instruction Sheet

Policy Count Exhibit

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