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More information can be found by clicking on any of the following links.

New School Health Requirements for 2009 in PDF format

Physical Fitness Assessment Initiative  (PFAI)

Students with Special Health Needs (under construction)

Coordinated School Health (under construction)

Safe and Drug Free Schools

The Sports Link to Prevention of Drug Use 

The Office of State Health Services Oversight (Interagency Coordination)

School Health and Related Services (SHARS)

Medicaid Administrative Claiming

School Based Medicaid Programs

Safety and Injury Prevention

Texas Fitness Now

Sports Link to Prevention of Drug Use 

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

HIV Prevention Grant 

Healthy Schools, Healthy Youth  

Texas School Health Network

School Health Specialists  at each Education Service Center (ESC)

Health and Physical Education Curriculum 

Texas Education Agency
Division of Health, Student Support, and Discipline