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The Prevention and Early Intervention division of the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services created this site as a resource for parents, professionals, and communities to support child abuse prevention and public awareness efforts.

Please feel free to copy the files on this site. If you would like to use the information, please credit DFPS by citing: “Provided by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, Division of Prevention and Early Intervention.”

Child abuse is a community issue. Every person can help make sure the children of Texas have a brighter future. And preventing child abuse is up to all of us. Child abuse prevention means stopping child abuse and neglect before it happens. The best strategies to prevent child abuse and neglect are to:

  • Support families and provide parents with the skills and resources they need.
  • Support providers who are serving families by providing tools and resources.
  • Create communities that have supportive services in place and a shared goal of safety and stability for families.

Featured Prevention Resource

Cover of 2009 Child Abuse Prevention Calendar
For more information about the 2009 Prevention Calendar or to give us your feedback, please take our survey.


We received a high volume of orders between 10/30/08 and 11/5/08 and sold out before this link was disabled. If you placed your order during this time frame, there is a high probability that it will not be filled. We apologize for the inconvenience. We value all of your support regarding the calendar and request that this link not be forwarded to any external or “freebie” website.

The 2009 Calendar, “The Parenting Toolkit: Building Happy, Healthy Families” provides useful tips on parenting issues such as:

  • Preventing Tantrums
  • Setting Limits
  • Teaching Respect, and
  • How to perform Baby and Infant CPR. 

Download a free copy (Adobe Acrobat file).


Safe Sleep For Babies Poster

Safe Sleep for BabiesWhy is safe sleep important? Placing babies in a safe sleep position is very important to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) or “crib death.” When a baby, usually between the ages of 1-12 months old dies suddenly without a clear cause, the death is often referred to as SIDS.

Download a free copy by clicking the picture.

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