Open Records Reports Admin

The following report is a biennial update mandated by Texas Government Code, §552.274(a). The results have been compiled from the answers provided by state agencies online reporting, pursuant to Texas Government Code, §552.010.

In previous years, state agencies reported to the Texas Building and Procurement Commission, which produced a biennial report. Senate Bill 727, sponsored by Senator Jeff Wentworth, and enacted by the 79th Leg., R.S. (2005), transferred those and other duties to the Office of the Attorney General, effective September 1, 2005.

The online reporting form has twenty-two categories which, in general, are common to all agencies. Reporting for those categories does not seem to be difficult or create a problem for compiling the data. However, the form also has a section named "Other", which provides fifteen blank lines for requests that do not fit in any of the categories, and are usually specific to a given agency. This category, because of misspellings, misplaced periods, the use of different abbreviations, etc., yields a total of 825 types of records requested. Additionally, many agencies are still counting as "public information requests" such things as blank forms and applications, referrals to the website, website hits, verbal requests, etc. Blank forms and applications that are usually required for citizens to either receive information, apply for licenses and permits, etc., and are not to be counted a requests for public information. Referrals to an agency's website have been deemed as "non-responsive" to a request for public information (ORD 682, 2005), and should therefore not be included in these totals. As for verbal requests, pursuant to Texas Government Code, §552.301, only a written request triggers the requirements of the Act.

Below are the results for fiscal year 2005 and the entire first quarter of fiscal year 2006. Some agencies also show information for the second quarter. To access the information, click on a link below and choose the portion of the report you want to view. The results are shown by quarters.

How to view the information

Cumulative results: Click on the specific result you want to view (they are at the top, starting with "Results" and ending with "Redacting". Using the "down" arrow, choose the year you want, then click the "Submit" button.

Individual agency results: Click on the specific result. Using the "down" arrow, choose the year and the agency you want, then click the "Submit" button.

Revised: February 28, 2006