Texas Department of Insurance

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Texas Department of Insurance Procedure for Correcting Incorrect Information about an Individual

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You may use the following procedure to ask the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) to correct information about you that is incorrect. This procedure is intended for correcting information about individuals as provided in Chapter 559 of the Texas Government Code. Companies wishing to change or correct information should contact the appropriate TDI division.

Right to Request Correction

You have a right to request that TDI correct information about you that is incorrect. To request correction of information about you, please submit a written request to TDI. The written request may be submitted by mail, fax, e-mail or hand delivery.

What to Include in Your Request for Correction

To assist TDI in locating and correcting information, please include the following information in your request for correction:

  • Your name and mailing address (so we can send you a response);
  • Your phone number (so we can contact you if we have questions about the information to be corrected);
  • A list or description of the specific information you are asking TDI to correct. Please try to be as specific as possible about the information you want TDI to correct.
  • An explanation or documentation addressing the reason that the information is incorrect and verifying the correct information.

Where to Send Your Request for Correction

If you know the TDI division that maintains the information you want TDI to correct, please send your request for correction to the open records liaison for that division. If you do not know where in TDI to send your request, or if your request may involve multiple TDI divisions, you may send your request for correction to the Agency Counsel Section of TDI´s Legal & Compliance Division. Requests for correction can be hand-delivered, mailed, faxed or sent by e-mail.

  • Hand Delivered Requests. Hand delivered requests for correction should be delivered to the proper division at the Texas Department of Insurance, William P. Hobby State Office Building, 333 Guadalupe, Austin, Texas. If you do not know the proper division, you may hand deliver your request to the 10th floor of Tower 1 of the Hobby Building.
  • Mailed Requests. Mailed requests for correction should be addressed to:
OPEN RECORDS LIAISON [or name of open records liaison]
[division name] [mail code]
Texas Department of Insurance
P.O. Box 149104
Austin, Texas 78714-9104

If you do not know which TDI division maintains the information you want TDI to correct, you may send your request for correction to:

Agency Counsel Section
Legal & Compliance, MC 110-1A
Texas Department of Insurance
P.O. Box 149104
Austin, Texas 78714-9104

Including the mail code on the second line of the address, after the division name, will help ensure that your request is routed to the proper division. A list of mail codes is included in the list of open records liaisons .

  • Faxed Requests. You may fax your request to the division of TDI that maintains the information you want TDI to correct. A list of division fax numbers is included in the list of open records liaisons . If you do not know the division in which the information is located, you may fax your request to the Agency Counsel Section of TDI´s Legal & Compliance Division at (512) 475-1772.
  • E-mailed Requests. E-mailed requests for correction may be sent to the open records liaison for the TDI division in which the information is maintained using the following e-mail address format: firstname.lastname@tdi.state.tx.us. If you do not know the appropriate division, or you do not know the name of the open records liaison for the division, you may send your e-mail request to RecordCorrections@tdi.state.tx.us.

Response to Request for Correction

TDI will notify you in writing of the action taken by TDI in response to your request for correction. If TDI corrects the information, you will be notified that the information was corrected. If the information was not corrected, you will be provided with a written notice stating why the information could not be corrected.

Information that Cannot Be Corrected

Some information maintained by TDI cannot be corrected. The types of information that cannot be corrected include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Documents (including electronic documents) that have been filed with TDI by a third party. For example, if a consumer complaint contains incorrect information, TDI cannot modify the complaint. However, if TDI has transferred such incorrect information to a document created by TDI or entered the information in a TDI database, TDI can correct the incorrect information in the document or database created by TDI.
  • Allegations. Allegations about you cannot be disputed through this process. If an allegation against you is filed with TDI, the allegation will be handled in accordance with TDI´s normal process for resolving complaints and/or through TDI´s enforcement and/or criminal investigation procedure.
  • Commissioner´s Orders. Orders of the Commissioner of Insurance cannot generally be corrected. Please refer to Chapter 2001 of the Texas Government Code and Chapters 81 through 84 of the Texas Insurance Code for general information about contesting findings in Commissioner´s Orders.
  • Copies of documents that have already been distributed outside TDI. A document that has been distributed outside TDI cannot usually be corrected. However, TDI can usually correct the source of the incorrect information.

Copy of Request for Correction and Response

To the extent practicable, a copy of your request for correction and TDI´s response will be maintained with the information that you´ve asked TDI to correct.

Obtaining Copies of TDI´s Information about You

To review or obtain copies of information maintained by TDI about you, please follow TDI´s Public Information Process . You have a special right of access, beyond the right of the general public, to information relating to you that is protected from public disclosure by laws intended to protect your privacy. However, TDI may withhold information for reasons other than your privacy rights. In other words, a record may be withheld from you if another exception of the Public Information Act applies or a confidentiality law protects an interest other than your privacy interest.

Additional Information

For additional information about your right to ask that information about you be corrected, please refer to Chapter 559 of the Texas Government Code . For additional information about requesting information from a Texas governmental body, please refer to Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code or the Attorney General´s Public Information Handbook.

For more information contact:

Last updated: 08/03/2007

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