Quick Start for:
State Purchasing

Quick Copy Customers

Effective May 7, 2008, TPASS Quick Copy discontinued its operations. Quick Copy customers received prior notice of the closure at the end of April 2008. All existing and former customers of Quick Copy are encouraged to contact Texas Correctional Industries (TCI) for all their printing needs. Government Code 497.024 requires all State of Texas Agencies to procure printing services through TCI. See http://tlo2.tlc.state.tx.us/statutes/gv.toc.htm for complete legislation.

The Government Code institutes a duty to purchase from Texas Correctional Industries by stating the following:

  • (a) If the office produces an article or product under this subchapter, an agency of the state or a political subdivision may purchase the article or product only from the office.
  • (b) If the comptroller determines that an article or product produced by the office under this subchapter does not meet the requirements of an agency of the state or a political subdivision, or that the office has determined that the office is unable to fill a requisition for an article or product, the agency or subdivision may purchase the article or product from another source.
  • (c) An agency of the state or a political subdivision may not evade the intent of this subchapter by requesting an article or product that varies slightly from standards for articles or products established under Section 497.027, if the office produces a similar article or product that is in compliance with established standards and is reasonably suited to the actual needs of the agency or subdivision. Sec. 497.025.


  • (a) An agency of the state that purchases articles and products under this subchapter must requisition the purchase through the comptroller except for purchases of articles or products not included in an established contract. The purchase of articles or products not included in an established contract and that do not exceed the dollar limits established under Section 2155.132 may be acquired directly from the office on the agency's obtaining an informal or a formal quotation for the item and issuing a proper purchase order to the office. The comptroller and the department shall enter into an agreement to expedite the process by which agencies are required to requisition purchases of articles or products through the comptroller.
  • (b) A political subdivision may purchase articles and products under this subchapter directly from the office.
  • (c) If an agency or political subdivision purchasing goods under this subchapter desires to purchase goods or articles from the office, it may do so without complying with any other state law otherwise requiring the agency or political subdivision to request competitive bids for the article or product. Nothing herein shall be interpreted to require a political subdivision to purchase goods or articles from the office if the political subdivision determines that the goods or articles can be purchased elsewhere at a lower price. An agency may decline to purchase goods or articles from the office if the agency determines, after giving the office a final opportunity to negotiate on price, and the comptroller certifies, that the goods or articles can be purchased elsewhere at a lower price.

If you need any assistance regarding Quick Copy services, please contact Elton Brock at (512) 463-6546.

Provided that a State of Texas Agency has received a waiver of approval from the Texas Correctional Industries, the State Agency may directly contact the approved Council on Competitive Government-listed additional print shop service providers.