Court Services Program - Main Page

Court Services Program

Office of Court Administration

OCA's Court Services Program can assist you in evaluating your case management and other administrative needs.

Caseflow Management is the process by which courts carry out their primary function: moving cases from filing to closure. This includes all pre-trial events, trials, and, increasingly, events that follow closure to ensure the integrity of court orders and timely completion of post-disposition case activity. Effective caseflow manage-ment makes justice possible not only in individual cases but also across judicial systems and courts, both trial and appellate. Caseflow Management helps ensure that every litigant receives procedural due process and equal protection. Properly understood, Caseflow Management is the absolute heart of court management (National Association for Court Management Core Competencies Curriculum Guidelines).

Examples of services offered:

  • Conduct on-site training and provide technical assistance to judges, court coordinators, and court administrators in case and calendar management and other administrative matters;
  • Assist with the preparation of a court administration manual designed for your court that covers preparing the daily court calendar, daily court dockets, notice setting deadlines, dismissal dockets, and all day-to-day activities in the court office;
  • Evaluate the dockets, practices, and procedures of your court and recommend improvements; and
  • Assist with developing forms for case management, dismissal dockets, pretrial scheduling orders, notices, mediation orders, and any other forms that would be beneficial to you and your court.

If you need help in evaluating your case management and other administrative needs contact:

Eva Walla
Office of Court Administration
Court Services Consultant
Telephone: (512) 475-1777
Fax: (512) 463-1648


Updated: 31-Jul-2007

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