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Recent Rule Changes

Project No. Rule Description of Changes Effective /
Reviewed Date
36987 22.52 Notice in Licensing Proceedings. 9/2/09
36987 22.75 Examination and Correction of Pleadings and Documents. 9/2/09
36987 22.104 Motions to Intervene. 9/2/09
31958 26.57 Requirements for a Certificate Holder’s Use of an Alternate Technology to Meet its Provider of Last Resort Obligation 7/30/09
36536 25.214 Terms and Conditions of Retail Delivery Service Provided by Investor Owned Transmission and Distribution Utilities 7/5/09
36536 25.474 Selection of Retail Electric Provider 7/5/09
35769 25.43 Provider of Last Resort (POLR) 6/5/09
35767 25.107 Certification of Retail Electric Providers (REPs) 5/21/09

Last Updated: 08/31/09