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Crude Oil Production Tax

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A tax is imposed on the production of crude oil in Texas at its market value.

Important Tax News for You

The Comptroller's office has implemented changes to streamline the processing of your transfer and refund requests. (posted 08/06/08)

Crude Oil and Natural Gas Reports and Procedures

Major Changes for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Taxes(PDF, 1711KB)

Visit our online tutorial for completing the new crude oil and natural gas tax reports with due dates after January 1, 2008.

Visit our frequently asked questions pertaining to the new crude oil and natural gas tax reports and reporting procedures as of January 1, 2008.

Additional Resources

Information for Direct Deposit of Tax Refunds (PDF, 5615KB)

Crude Oil & Natural Gas Electronic Reporting Quick Reference Guide (PDF, 2379KB)

2005 Legislative Changes

Incremental Production Credit History

Revenue and Budget Information

Texas Revenue History by Source

Rate Details and Other Information


Oil production tax: 4.6% (.046) of market value of oil.
Reduced Oil Production Tax Rates for Certified Exemptions:
Enhanced Oil Recovery Exemption (EOR) 2.3% (.023) of market value of oil;
Incremental Production Exemption 2.3% (.023) of market value of oil; Co-Production Project Exemption 2.3% (.023) of market value of oil;
Three Year and Two Year Inactive Well Exemptions 0.0% (.000) of market value of oil.
Regulatory Tax: 3/16 of a cent ($.001875) per barrel.
Regulatory Fee: 5/16 of a cent ($.003125) per barrel for report periods prior to September 2001. For report periods September 2001 and later, 5/8 of a cent ($0.00625) per barrel

Due Date

Monthly: 25th day of the month following the production month.

Electronic Reporting

Yes - see left column.