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Public Participation

How to obtain information about proceedings:
The Filings - Interchange allows online users to locate and download documents that are officially filed with the PUC in Central Records for a particular Docket, Project or Tariff application. This system provides two important electronic document services: Filings Retrieval and Filings Submission. Documents may also be purchased from and filed in Central Records at 512-936-7180.

How to participate in proceedings:
One way to become involved in a case before the Commission is as an "intervenor." An intervenor is a person who, upon showing a justifiable interest, is permitted to become a party to the proceeding. Intervenors are full participants in the Proceeding and make legal arguments, conduct discovery, file testimony, cross-examine witnesses, and are themselves, if they testify, subject to cross-examination by the other parties in the case. An intervenor should file a motion to intervene with the PUC, conforming to Commission rules and practices, and serve the motion on all parties of record. The motion to intervene can be in the form of a letter.

If you do not wish to be a full participant in this proceeding, you may become a "protestor." This is a person or organization opposing any matter contained in the application or petition submitted to the PUC. Protestors are not parties to the case and may not conduct discovery, cross-examine witnesses or present a direct case. Protestors may, however, make a written or verbal statement for the record in support of or in opposition to, the application and give information to the PUC staff that they believe may be helpful.

If you intend to be a protestor, you can either send written comments stating your position regarding the application, or if the docket progresses to a hearing, a statement of protest can be made on the first day of hearing. Although public comments are not sworn and therefore not treated as evidence, they help inform the PUC and its staff of the public concerns and to identify issues to be explored. The PUC welcomes such participation in its proceedings.

In all correspondence, please reference the docket or project number. See procedural rule 22.71 (c), for information on the number of copies that must be filed with the PUC filing clerk at the following address:

Public Utility Commission of Texas
Attn: Filing Clerk
1701 N. Congress Ave.
Austin, TX 78711-3326

The PUC procedural rules and substantive rules are available on-line, or they can be purchased from Central Records

Last Updated: 04/28/08

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