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Volume I • Number VII
Letter from Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott
Dear Advocates:
This issue of the Crime Victim Services Division e-Newsletter discusses community activities across Texas for the observance of National Crime Victim Rights Week, April 26-May 2, 2009. This year's theme – "25 Years of Rebuilding Lives: Celebrating the Victims of Crime Act" – echoes the mission of the Division and reminds us that 25 years ago, victims had little help....

National Crime Victim Rights Week
Texas is observing National Crime Victims' Rights Week April 26 – May 2 in 2009. This year's theme is “25 Years of Rebuilding Lives: Celebrating the Victims of Crime Act.”....

Office for Victims of Crime Resources for CVRW
The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) has launched the OVC Gallery of multimedia products promoting crime victims' rights and services. View the Gallery to browse through selected posters...

CVS Training Opportunities
The Crime Victim Services Division provides training to victim advocates, victim coordinators and liaisons, law enforcement, non-profit organizations and professional service providers to ensure that victims receive every assistance in accessing the Crime Victims' Compensation Program....

Texas Address Confidentiality Program Update
"So far my residence address is now protected on my driver's license, Austin County tax records, library, and voter registration. The only place that insists on home address and won't accept ACP is the federal government's DTV coupon program....

CVC Remote User Access
Crime Victims' Compensation (CVC) Remote User Access allows victim advocates and service providers to access the CVC mainframe via the web...

Online CVC Information for Service Providers
CVS is launching online information for service providers on the OAG Web. Service providers are important partners in assisting victims rebuild their lives...

Sexual Assault Advisory Council Report
The Sexual Assault Advisory Council has posted its report and recommendations to the 81st Legislature....

OAG Human Trafficking Report Online
Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott has released the legislatively mandated Office of the Attorney General's (OAG) Human Trafficking Report...

Stalking in the United States
The Bureau of Justice Statistics has released findings on nonfatal stalking victimization in the U.S., based on the largest data collection of such behavior to date....

Teen Dating Violence Prevalence & Prevention Resource
The National Criminal Justice Research Service has developed a Web page with special information on teen dating violence....

New Victims' Rights Law Database
The National Center for Victims of Crime has launched VictimLaw, a free, online database of federal, state, and tribal victims' rights laws....

NCVC Offers DNA Answers
The National Center for Victims of Crime is offering a new resource in order to maximize the effectiveness of DNA technology for crime victims ...

Keep in Touch
To subscribe to future issues of our e-Newsletter and to provide the Crime Victim Services Division with your current contact information, please access our Online Registration Service. We look forward to hearing from you and to working together to give victims the services they deserve.

If you have comments or questions, please contact us at crimevictims@oag.state.tx.us.

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