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Market Directories & Utilities: Electric Companies Serving Texas

The PUC is moving to a Dynamic Electric Database. In order to provide the most current information, the PUC is moving from static Excel files to dynamic database formats. The new formats allow for "Utility" searches by entering the name of a company into the search box and then selecting the company from a list. Selecting the name will produce a report on the company which gives the latest contact and docket information. There will be an "Alpha" search which will list the companies in alphabetical order. There will be a "Numeric" search which will list the companies by certification number. Selecting the company name from the Alpha or Numeric list will generate the same report that is produced through the search function. For CSV file instructions please see below *.

Description/Search/View Alphabetical Numeric Excel Download
New Format*
CCN Alpha Numeric
Aggregators - Search Alpha Numeric agg.xls agg.csv*
Power Generation Companies - Search Alpha Numeric pgc.xls
Power Marketers pm_list.xls
Self-Generators - Search Alpha Numeric sg.xls
Retail Electric Providers - Search Alpha Numeric rep.xls rep.csv*
Investor Owned Utilities - Search iou.xls iou.csv*
Transmission & Distribution Utilities - Search tdu.xls tdu.csv*
Municipalities - Search muni.xls muni.csv*
Cooperatives - Search coop.xls coop.csv*
River Authorities - Search ra.xls ra.csv*

Corrections to these Lists:

File a written notice in:
Project No. 26840, Contact Information Updates Pertaining to Any Participant in the Texas Electric Market.

The notice should clearly identify the party requesting the change, the list item to be changed, and the new information.

Submit the notice (4 copies) to:
Filing Clerk, Public Utility Commission of Texas, 1701 North Congress, Room 8-100, P. O. Box 13326, Austin, TX, 78711-3326.

* A comma separated (CSV) file has replaced existing Excel files. CSV files were designed to be imported into a spreadsheet program (such as Excel or Lotus). Simply download the file, open your spreadsheet, open the file you downloaded in the application, a wizard will open to complete the process. If you have problems opening these files, please contact the Helpdesk at 512-936-7100 or

Last Updated: 08/27/09