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Unemployment Tax Services
Unemployment Tax Payments
Frequently Asked Questions

Click on a question below or scroll through all of the questions and answers.

General Information

Automated Clearing House (ACH) Debit Payments

Credit Card Payments

General Information

What are the due dates for unemployment tax payments?

Payments must be submitted before 12:00 a.m. (midnight) Central Time on the due date. If the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday on which TWC offices are closed, the payment is considered timely if it is paid on the following business day. Late payments are subject to interest accrual.

Due Dates for Employers' Quarterly Tax Payments:

For Wages Paid During Calendar Qtr. Ends Due Must be Paid By
Jan, Feb, Mar March 31 April 1 April 30
Apr, May, Jun June 30 July 1 July 31
Jul, Aug, Sep September 30 October 1 October 31
Oct, Nov, Dec December 31 January 1 January 31

Due Dates for Annual Domestic Employer's Tax Payments:

Quarterly taxes become due on January 1 and are required to be paid no later than January 31 for the preceding calendar year.

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Are online payments secure?

Yes, online payments made through the Unemployment Tax Services system are secure. TWC uses 128-bit encryption, the standard for Internet security. Unauthorized access is prevented by having access (and permissions) to the employer's unemployment tax account granted only by the employer's tax account administrator.

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What are the payment methods?

Using the Unemployment Tax Services Internet system, online payments can be made using the Automated Clearing House (ACH) debit method. ACH payments can be scheduled in advance of the actual payment date. A remittance form is also available, if the employer prefers to pay by check. Both payment methods are provided free of charge.

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Who has authority to pay online?

Users with the appropriate permissions can make payments on behalf of an employer. The account administrator for the employer's unemployment tax account grants the permissions.

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Who can I contact if I have other questions about Internet unemployment tax payments?

You can contact the employer's assigned TWC Accounts Examiner. You can find the Accounts Examiner's contact information by accessing the Account Info tab in the Unemployment Tax Services system.

Automated Clearing House (ACH) Debit Payments

Do ACH debit payments have to be pre-authorized?

Some banks require that ACH debit payments be pre-authorized. If you have any doubts about your bank's policy, contact them prior to submitting an ACH debit payment to TWC.

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What happens when an ACH debit payment is rejected by the bank?

An ACH debit payment that is rejected by your bank may cause the unemployment tax payment to be late and subject to interest accrual. TWC will notify you by mail of the reason your bank rejected the ACH debit payment. You can review the payment and bank information online to see if the account number and routing numbers were entered correctly. If all the information is correct, contact your bank before submitting another ACH debit payment to TWC. Click here to view a list of the Most Common Online Payment Return Reasons.

Can an ACH debit payment date be the same day that it is scheduled?

Yes, if the payment is scheduled before 10:00 a.m. TWC processes all ACH debit transactions at 10:00 a.m. each business day. All payments scheduled after 10:00 a.m. will be processed on the next business day.

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Can a scheduled ACH debit payment be changed?

Yes, payment information (e.g., amount, scheduled date, source bank account) can be changed as long as the payment is still in Scheduled status. A payment that has been processed by the system cannot be changed. TWC processes all ACH debit transactions at 10:00 a.m. each business day.

Credit Card Payments

Is there a fee for making a payment using my credit card?

A convenience fee is assessed for using a credit card for payments. The convenience fee is not part of the TWC Tax Payment Amount and is not kept by TWC. The calculation is (a + b) where:

  • a = (Payment Amount + $0.25 transaction fee) x 2.75%
  • b = $0.25 transaction fee
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How long does it take for my credit card payment to apply to my account?

The credit card payment may take up to two business days to be applied to your TWC tax account.

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Who should I contact with questions about my credit card transaction?

TWC uses the TexasOnline website to provide a secure financial transaction. TWC does not save credit card information. For questions about your credit card transaction, contact TexasOnline Help at (866) 435-7865 and have your trace number available.

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Can a credit card payment be applied to settle an aged delinquency?

If the credit card payment is to obtain a release of a State Tax Lien, Abstract of Judgment, Abstract of Assessment, or warrant(s) held by the Comptroller of Public Accounts, TWC will not provide a release until 180 days after the payment date.

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Can a credit card payment be applied to settle a Labor Law wage claim?

Credit card payments can only be applied to an employer's unemployment tax account.

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Can a credit card payment be applied to a bankruptcy delinquency?

No. Credit card payments cannot be applied to bankruptcy delinquencies.

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Are credit card payments on an unemployment tax account eligible for a refund?

Credit card payments on unemployment tax accounts are not eligible for a refund, in part or in its entirety, until 180 days after the credit card payment date.

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Last Revision: July 07, 2009