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Clean Taxis in Texas

Information about equipping taxi-cab fleets with cleaner-running low-emission vehicles.

Many taxi companies want to help protect our Texas environment and are looking at various options to increase the efficiency of their fleets. By choosing taxis with cleaner emissions technology, taxi companies can help take care of Texas by contributing to cleaner air while saving money on fuel costs.

Why Cleaner Taxis?

Reports from the U.S. Department of Energy show that the average taxi travels 60,000 to 80,000 miles per year. With this level of mileage, taxi operators can make great strides in reducing emissions by replacing their older taxis with newer models that make use of cleaner technologies (PDF), (Help with PDF). These technologies could include alternative fuel or advanced propulsion technologies, such as hybrid or plug-in electric systems, among others.

Cleaner taxis are already on the road in New York City and San Francisco, but they're not alone. Here in Texas, you can see clean taxis on the road in Austin, San Antonio, Houston, and Dallas.

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How Can You Do Your Part?

Next time you need a taxicab, request a Green Taxi.

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