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Filer Installation - Download & Instructions

  1. If you have an older version of the PUC Filer application, please uninstall it.
    • Use the "Add/Remove Programs" object in the Control Panel,
      (START | Control Panel), and look for "PUC Filer" and click Remove.

  2. Download the installation program from the PUC Web Page into a temporary directory.
    • e.g. C:\TEMP

  3. Run the program install_filer4.exe to (self)extract the Interchange setup files.
    • e.g. File Run C:\TEMP\install_filer4.exe

  4. Installation will begin automatically. Follow the setup screens to complete the installation.

Download the Interchange Filer Installation Software Version 4.07.
Filer Software Manual Update Use this update if the automatic updating from the Filer Instalation Software application is not successful.

Using Filer

To use the PUC Filer, simply click the Filer icon. (Windows 95 and Windows NT users can create a shortcut to the file pucfiler.exe directory where the application is installed). Filer steps the user through the electronic filing process, presenting a series of screens that can be navigated by pressing buttons at the bottom of each screen. The NEXT button displays the next screen in the series, the BACK button returns to the previous screen. The CLOSE button exits Filer.

For more detailed Filer information please reference:


Last Updated: 04/14/09