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ADAD Automatic dial announcing device
ALI Automatic location identification
ANI Automatic number identification
ATMF Attempts per message factors
BER Bit error ratio
BNF Basic network function
BNS Basic network service
BRI Basic rate interface
CAM Cost Allocation Manual
CBG Census block group
CCL Common carrier line
CCN Certificate of convenience and necessity
CCS Centum call second
CIC Carrier identification code
CLEC Competitive local exchange carrier
CLLI Common language location identification
CMRS Commercial mobile radio service
COA Certificate of operating authority
CPE Customer premises equipment
CPNI Customer proprietary network information
CS Competitive service
CTU Certificated telecommunications utility
CWIP Construction work in progress
DEM Dial equipment minutes
DCTU Dominant certificated telecommunications utility
DPL Decision point list
DS Discretionary service
EAS Extended area service
EDP Equipment distribution program
ELCS Extended local calling service
E-rate Educational percentage discount rates
ETP Eligible telecommunications provider
FCC Federal Communications Commission
FR Financial Review
FSO Foreign serving office
FX Foreign exchange
GAAP Generally accepted accounting principles
HCA High cost assistance
HUB Historically underutilized business
ILEC Incumbent local exchange company
ISDN Integrated services digital network
IXC Interexchange carrier
LATA Local access and transport area
LEC Local exchange company
LRIC Long run incremental cost
MOU Minutes of use
MTS Message toll services
NCTA Non-conversation time additives
O&M Operation and Maintenance
OLS Originating line screening
OPD Office of Policy Development
OPEB Post retirement benefits other than pensions
ORA Office of Regulatory Affairs
OSP Operator service provider
PIC Primary interexchange carrier
PIU Percent interstate usage
PLTS Prepaid local telephone service
PRI Primary rate interface
PTAS Pay telephone access service
PTS Pay telephone service
PUC Public Utility Commission of Texas
PURA Public Utility Regulatory Act
RIC Residual interconnection charge
RTAC Relay Texas Advisory Committee
SEC Securities Exchange Commission
SLEC Small local exchange company
SPCOA Service provider certificate of operating authority
TAC Texas Administrative Code
TCDHH Texas Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
TELRIC Total element long run incremental cost
THCUSP Texas high cost universal service plan
TIA Telecommunications Industry Analysis
T/O Terminating to originating ratios
TRS Telecommunications relay service
TUSF Texas Universal Service Fund
UNE Unbundled network elements
USF Universal Service Fund
WATS Wide area telecommunications services

Last Updated: 02/04/00