Training for Law Enforcement

Training is available from the Office of the Attorney General for law enforcement and victim services staff. In addition, the OAG occasionally hosts conferences on topics of interest to law enforcement.

The Attorney General's Juvenile Crime Intervention (JCI) Section provides training on juvenile crime prevention, juvenile justice, and proper investigation of crimes involving juveniles. Courses include the following:

Gangs and the Internet -- Explores the connection between street gangs, as well as variations of such organized criminal groups, and the use of the Internet. This training will examine the Internet as a criminal communications resource. Participants explore social networking websites and the various crimes attracting youth online, including gangs, street racing, and fight clubs. Participants will gain an understanding of the criminal information found on the Internet. Prevention and intervention strategies are also discussed.

Gang Violence: Victims, Witnesses, and the Community -- Gang violence and victimization present unique challenges for the criminal justice system and for victim assistance programs. This training explores these challenges and reviews successful strategies for serving victims of gang violence.

Hate and Extremist Groups -- Examines hate and extremist groups in Texas. Participants will explore the threat to our youth created by criminal hate groups.

Juvenile Law Training

When Is Behavior a Crime? Including Student Free Speech Rights in Cyberspace - Explores the various criminal offenses listed in Chapter 37 of the Texas Education Code for which students may be removed from class and/or expelled from school. Also, discusses the First Amendment rights students enjoy in school and when those free speech rights cross into criminal behavior.

Cops in School: Partnership Between Law Enforcement and School Officials - Covers four distinct topics of interest to law enforcement and school administrators: Notification requirements, Juvenile vs. Student Records, Search and Seizure in School, and Student Interviews.

Search and Seizure in School - Focuses on the legal issues pertaining to searches of students and their personal effects in the school setting.

Juvenile Confessions In Texas - Focuses on how law enforcement can legally obtain custodial and non-custodial statements from juvenile suspects. This training analyzes written, oral, and tape-recorded confessions.

School Attendance Laws - Focuses on Texas compulsory attendance laws and the legal requirements involved in the enforcement of attendance violations by both students and parents.

Gang Database Management - Examines the state and federal laws that govern the establishment and maintenance by law enforcement of a secure gang database management system.

Regional Gang Training for Law Enforcement

The OAG works with local law enforcement entities to sponsor regional gang training, which support the law enforcement community by bringing specialized and affordable gang training to local jurisdictions who are typically unable to attend statewide events. The Office of the Attorney General has sponsored over 19 regional gang conferences since 1998. For information about hosting a regional conference in your jurisdiction, or to find out when the next conference is scheduled, contact JCI or visit the conferences page.

Contact Juvenile Crime Intervention by phone at (512) 463-4024, fax (512) 480-9186, mail at P.O. Box 12548 Austin, TX 78711-2548, or by email:

Crime Victim Liaisons/Coordinators

The Crime Victim Services Division provides training on victim related issues.

Forensic nurses who are specially trained to collect and preserve evidence of a sexual assault can be an important asset to prosecutors as well as victims. The Attorney General's Office (Sexual Assault & Crisis Services Program) certifies and trains these professionals, who are called Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANEs). The training hones the nurse examiner's skill in testifying at trial and also emphasizes procedures that can help minimize trauma for the victim during a forensic medical exam following a sexual assault. Call the Sexual Assault Prevention and Crisis Services Program at (512) 936-1270, for more information.

Staff from law enforcement agencies, prosecutors' offices and juvenile probation agencies can also get TCLEOSE certified training on Crime Victims' Compensation - how victims and their family members can qualify for financial assistance for certain expenses related to the crime and the specific benefits available through the program. Visit the CVC training page

Revised: February 26 2008