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What the PUC Regulates (and what it does not)

The Public Utility Commission of Texas:

  • Regulates the rates and services of investor-owned electric and local telephone companies
  • Establishes service standards for regulated electric companies
  • Issues statewide franchises for cable TV and video services

The Public Utility Commission of Texas does not have authority to regulate:

  • Long distance
  • Wireless telecommunications service
  • Gas
  • Water
  • Cable TV rates and content
  • Rates established by municipal electric utilities
  • Rates established by electric cooperatives
  • Internet
  • ISDN

If your electric utility is city owned, you can contact your city manager, city council representative, or mayor to assist you. Electric cooperative customers should contact their co-op for more information.

For more information on how to resolve complaints for these other utility services, please see the Utilities Not Regulated by the PUC.


Last Updated: 11/09/05

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