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Permits, Licenses and Registrations

Permits, Licenses and Registrations at the TCEQ

Updated information Renewed Construction Storm Water General Permit Is in Effect: Find Out What to Do (more about Storm Water Permits)

Featured Items:
Delinquent Fees and Penalties Will Affect Processing Applications
Effective Sept. 1, 2006, the TCEQ will no longer issue, amend, or renew permits, registrations, certifications, or licenses to an entity or person who is delinquent on penalties or fees.
TCEQ Occupational License and Registration Online Renewal
Entry page that allows the user to choose either individual-license or company-registration renewal.
Status of Permits and Registrations
Pending applications and completed permits and registrations--everything from oil refineries to small water systems, from chemical complexes to dry cleaners, from landfills to sludge transporters.
Related Categories:
Air Permits and Registrations
Requirements for New Source Review and Title V permits, and permitting requirements for grandfathered facilities. Pending and current permits.
Central Registry: Collecting TCEQ Core Data
Information on the TCEQ Central Registry Program. Instructions and guidance on completing the TCEQ Core Data Form.
Do I Need a Permit?
Helps determine whether any of your activities require you to get an environmental permit or other form of authorization.
Edwards Aquifer Plans
Edwards Aquifer Protection Plans and Contributing Zone Plans. Necessary for regulated activity in the recharge zone, tank installation in the recharge zone, etc.
Find Licensing Records, Registration Records, Exam Results
Retrieve licensing records, training records, and examination results for individuals and obtain registration information for companies under the TCEQ's programs for occupational licensing and registration.
Landscape Irrigation
Information about the TCEQ's licensing and regulation of those who engage in the practice of landscape irrigation. How to find a licensed individual. How to find training and become licensed. See landscape irrigation rules and make a landscape irrigation complaint.
Mining and Mineral Extraction
Environmental regulations to follow in mining operations or in the extraction of mineral resources.
On-Site Sewage Facilities (Septic Systems)
Permitting, maintenance, and construction requirements for on-site sewage facilities (septic systems). Information for local governments wanting to become authorized agents of the TCEQ and run the program. Information about how to make a complaint related to these facilities.
Participation in Permitting
Avenues for involvement in the permitting process. Includes calendar and rules.
Petroleum Storage Tanks (PSTs)
Registering PSTs. Registered and self-certified PSTs.
Professional Licenses
Get a license. Find someone with a license. Become a licensing trainer.
Radioactive Materials
Regulation of the extraction, handling, processing, storage,and disposal of radioactive material in Texas
Registrations for Specific Businesses
In some cases, specific types of businesses are required to register with the TCEQ. This page lists registrations that are based on the type of business.
Surface Casing
The TCEQ Surface Casing Program prepares groundwater protection recommendation letters on request for drillers regulated by the Railroad Commission of Texas.
Waste Management Permits and Registrations
Requirements for municipal solid, industrial and hazardous, commercial industrial nonhazardous, and othe wastes. Pending and current permits. Registration status.
Water Quality Permits and Registrations
Permits, registrations, and certifications for wastewater, storm water, sewage sludge, and other discharge or use. Includes TPDES requirements. Pending and current permits.
Topics Under This Category:
Laboratory Accreditation and Certification
Information on the Agency's Environmental Lab Accreditation Program under NELAC and its Drinking Water Lab Certification Program
Search for TCEQ Public Notices
Information about public notices mailed by the TCEQ Chief Clerk's Office.
Search the TCEQ Central Registry
To find the permit number by site, facility name, permit holder, county, or other information, look in our Central Registry. Here you can also find out whether a site had a permit at any point in the past, as well as the name and contact information of the permit holder.
TCEQ Chief Clerk's Database
Tracks status of all matters pending before the Commission and Executive Director for approval, after notice issued, if applicable. Includes enforcement cases, rules, permit and license applications, registrations, actions involving water districts.
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