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Assistance Hot Line

Link-Up Program

The Link-Up program is designed to reduce the cost of installing new telephone service to qualifying low-income residents.

A resident is qualified if the current total household income is at or below 150 percent of the federal poverty guidelines. A resident is also qualified if they are currently receiving: Medicaid, Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program support, Food stamps, Federal Public Housing Assistance, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Health Benefit Coverage under Child Health Plan under Chapter 62 (CHIP).

Link-Up offers a 50 percent discount (up to $30) for telephone installation charges. Link-Up does not cover more than one phone line in the home, but the program does include an option for delaying payment on the balance of the connection fee, up tp $200, for up to one year without interest charges. Link-Up does not offer financial assistance for additional services on the telephone, such as caller ID or voice messaging.

Visit the Lifeline Support website at for information about local phone companies as well as guidelines for applying to the Link-Up program.


Last Updated: 03/28/06

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