Project Information

Project Information includes studies, reports, databases and applications related to current and future infrastructure projects. Users may find information such as a project's current status, plans for future construction and how these projects will impact mobility.

Project Tracker is a database that follows the progress of most projects under construction.


Information on projects that will be funded by the Recovery and Reinvestment Act.


Studies are done before major projects begin construction.   The Proposition 14 Tracker includes information on projects funded by Proposition 14 bonds.

These projects are planned to go to contract in FY 2010. The benefits and impacts to the economy, safety, pavement quality and connectivity to the state transportation network are identified.


These are the top 100 congested segments of roadways on the state highway system. Improvements are identified for each segment.


Project Information icon

Project Information includes projects not found in Project Tracker.  

Project Web Sites icon

Some larger projects have a separate, dedicated Web sites that provide more detailed information.