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ERS - Employees Retirement System of Texas
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Doing Business With ERS
Monday, October 5, 2009
ERS - Employee Retirement System
Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUB)

ERS' HUB Program follows the purchasing guidelines established by the Comptroller of Public Accounts/Texas Procurement and Support Services. Vendors wishing to do business with ERS should register with the State of Texas. Learn more with the ERS Vendor and HUB Guide.

ERS staff members are encouraged to "think HUB" when awarding purchasing and contracting opportunities. ERS attends conferences and co-hosts HUB Economic Opportunity Forums to spread the word about ERS contract opportunities. ERS contacts HUBs whenever possible for procurements for bids that are under the $5,000 competitive procurement threshold.

HUB Economic Opportunity Forum (EOF)

EOFs are events sponsored by government entities, minority business councils, and trade organizations. At an EOF, government entities network with HUB vendors and share procurement opportunities. View a list of upcoming events for EOF.

HUB Program

HUB vendor eligibility requirements are a profit-making corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, or joint venture whose:

  • Principal place of business is in Texas.
  • Ownership is at least 51% by Asian Pacific American, Black American, Hispanic American, Native American, and/or American woman.
  • Minority owners must reside in Texas, have proportionate interest, and demonstrate active participation in control, management, and operation of business affairs.

A HUB vendor is an eligible vendor who is certified by Comptroller of Public Accounts/Texas Procurement and Support Services (CPA/ TPASS).

For additional HUB information, call CPA/TPASS toll-free (888.863.5881 or 512-463-5872) or learn more on the State of Texas HUB Certification webpage and download a certification application form.

HUB Mentor Protégé Program

The Texas Mentor Protégé Program objective is to provide professional guidance and support for emerging HUB vendors to facilitate their growth/ development and increase HUB contracts/subcontracts with government entities. ERS encourages long-term relationships between prime contractors and HUB vendors in government procurement areas.

Learn more on the HUB Mentor Protégé Program webpage and download application forms.

HUB Subcontracting Plan (HSP)

If subcontracting opportunities are available on procurements with an expected value of $100,000 or more, HSP is required for the offer to be considered responsive. The HSP shall demonstrate Good Faith Effort to include HUB vendor subcontractors. After award, the HSP is part of the contract and is monitored throughout the contract term.

Learn more on the Progress Assessment Report (PAR) webpage.