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A peer-to-peer safety program for America’s Youth – get started today

A peer-to-peer safety program for America’s Youth – get started today

Car crashes kill more young people than any other cause, accounting for nearly half of all teen deaths in America each year. Most teens and parents are unaware of the top five dangers of teen driving: driving at night; speeding and street racing; distractions, such as cell phones/texting and too many teen passengers; low seat belt use; and alcohol use.

  • To catch a texter
  • This is your brain on teen
  • Carrie Sandstrom, SADD Student of the Year, says peer-to-peer is key to keeping teens safe
  • Emilu Mata, Teen of the Month, October 2012
  • Just in: designated texters are cool
  • 2012 Teens in the Driver Seat® Cup
  • Driving the Message Video and Poster Contest, sponsored by State Farm