The Supreme Court of Texas | Rules and Standards | Parental Notification Rules and Forms

Parental Notification Rules and Forms

The Supreme Court of Texas

Contact Rules Attorney Ms. Kennon L. Peterson (512) 463-1353

An Overview of Parental Notification Statutes and Rules

Power Point | HTML
(taken from a Power Point demonstration)
January 19, 2000

Texas Parental Notification Rules

Texas Parental Notification Rules (with 2007 Changes)  
- WordPerfect | PDF | HTML

Order Promulgating Rules (January 5, 2000)
- HTML | WordPerfect | PDF

Letter to Clerks
- WordPerfect | HTML | PDF

Archived Version (1999 version, no longer current)
- HTML | WordPerfect | PDF

Current Parental Notification Forms
(includes 2001 and 2007 changes)

Orders Promulgating Rules and Forms

Forms: Archived Version (no longer current)
- WordPerfect | PDF

En EspaƱol: (no incluye 2001 y 2007 cambios)
Los formularios para NotificaciĆ³n de los Padres (con instrucciones)
- WordPerfect | PDF
January 14, 2000

Archived Drafts

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Updated: 27-May-2008