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Serving Justice Through Judicial Education

Additional Funds Available to Defray the Cost of Attending NJC

Court and Media Courses: The Reynolds National Center for Courts and Media

Hon. Henry C. Keene, Jr.

Attending the NJC is “Quite an Opportunity” Says Hon. Henry C. Keene, Jr. (ret.)
Hon. Henry C. Keene, Jr. from the Alaska Supreme Court visited the NJC during the recent General Jurisdiction course.
Give to the NJC
Jim and Peg Redwine Author Donates Book Proceeds to The National Judicial College
Author and NJC faculty member, Hon. James M. Redwine, recently donated a portion of the proceeds of his newest book Judge Lynch! to The National Judicial College.


Current Issues in the Law: Forensics
Jules Epstein, of Widener University School of Law, profiles the new forensic trends that will be explored at the Current Issues in the Law course in West Yellowstone, MT on June 21-25.
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