Port Authority Advisory Committee

The Port Authority Advisory Committee provides a forum for the exchange of information between the Transportation Commission, TxDOT and committee members representing the port industry in Texas and others who have an interest in ports.

The committee's advice and recommendations will provide the commission and the department with a broad perspective regarding ports and transportation-related matters to be considered in formulating department policies concerning the Texas port system.


The Transportation Commission will appoint seven members to staggered three-year terms unless removed sooner at the discretion of the commission. The commission will appoint one member from the Port of Houston Authority of Harris County, three members from ports located on the upper Texas coast and  three members from ports located on the lower Texas coast.


Wade Battles
Managing Director, Port of Houston
Permanent Member

Eduardo A. Campirano
Port Director, Port of Brownsville
Lower Coast Representative

David C. Fisher
Executive Director, Port of Beaumont
Lower Coast Representative

John LaRue
Executive Director, Port of Corpus Christi
Lower Coast Representative

A.J. "Pete" Reixach, Jr.
Executive Port Director, Port Freeport
Upper Coast Representative

Gene Bouillion
Port Director & CEO, Port of Orange
Upper Coast Representative

Michael G. Wilson
Prt Director, Port Mansfield/Willacy County Navigation District
Lower Coast Representative