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PGC - Power Generation Companies and Self Generator Registration

  • A power generation company (PGC) is a person that generates electricity intended to be sold at wholesale and does not own a transmission or distribution facility in this state (with some exceptions, see PUC Substantive Rule 25.5(23) and 25.5(45)).

  • Who Should File: A person that owns an electric generating facility in Texas and is either a power generation company or a qualifying facility (as defined in PUC Substantive Rule 25.5 (54)) and generates electricity intended to be sold at wholesale, must register as PGC.

  • When to File: 30 days before beginning operations in this state.

Forms Download
PGC Registration Form (pdf *) pgc_form.rtf
Instructions to the PGC Registration Form (pdf *) pgc_inst.rtf

Registered Companies Alphabetical Numeric Excel Download
New Format*
Power Generation Companies - Search Alpha Numeric pgc.xls
Self-Generators self-gen_list.xls
Correction to these lists: send a written notice to
Filing Clerk, Public Utility Commission of Texas, 1701 North Congress, Room 8-100, P. O. Box 13326, Austin, TX, 78711-3326.

Rules - Statutes - Orders
Standard Interconnection Agreement.
PURA § 39.353
Substantive Rule 25.109 - Registration of Aggregators
Standard Protective Order as Adopted

Questions and Answers
Policy Questions: James Kelsaw at 512-936-7338 or
Technical Questions: James Kelsaw at 512-936-7338 or
Legal Questions:

* A comma separated (CSV) file has replaced existing Excel files. CSV files were designed to be opened or imported into a spreadsheet program (such as Excel or Lotus). If you have problems opening these files, please contact the Helpdesk at 512-936-7100 or


Last Updated: 03/26/09