SWCD Information & Education

2008 Summer Teacher Workshops

Several teacher workshops are held each summer for teachers interested in conservation and natural resource issues. The workshops are held in various parts of the state in cooperation with the TSSWCB. Teachers are able to get their required continuing education units (CEUs), while experiencing nature and the outdoors. Learn More...

Soil & Water Stewardship Public Speaking Contest

The Soil & Water Stewardship Public Speaking Contest is open to high school ag science students interested in conservation. The contest is aimed at broadening students' interest and knowledge of conservation and how individuals must depend on and take care of the world around them for survival. The contest in run through the Texas FFA, with contests at the local, area and state level. Learn More...

2008 Texas Conservation Awards Poster Contest1st Place

Sponsored by the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board and the Association of Texas Soil and Water Conservation Districts, this poster contest is open to boys and girls, ages 12 and under. The contest is designed to demonstrate the importance of conservation and taking care of one's surroundings, while giving contestants an opportunity to express their artistic ability. Learn More...

2008 Texas Conservation Awards Essay Contest

The Essay Contest is open to boys and girls, ages 18 and under. The contest is designed to express to students the importance of soil and water resources and how they are linked to providing food and clean water.
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TSSWCB 2007-2008 Video Library Catalog

There are over 200 conservation-related videos available. No rental fees are assessed to those wishing to borrow the videos from the library. Borrowing privileges are for a length of two weeks and must be returned upon date specified by the librarian. Learn More...


Conservation Education Models

The Nonpoint Source Pollution Watershed Flow Model and the Groundwater Flow Model allow students to understand how water supplies can become polluted from nonpoint sources through interactive demonstrations. Learn More...

Wildlife Alliance For YouthWAY contest

The Wildlife Alliance for Youth (WAY) contests offer opportunities for 4-H and FFA students to display their knowledge of the outdoors, while offering scholarships to contest winners. It is a powerful way for students to become involved in conservation and obtain an appreciation for wildlife. Learn More...