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Stakeholder participation is critical to the success of GAM
and the development of the models.
Because stakeholders will be relying on the models to establish groundwater availability, assess potential water-level changes due to pumping, or to evaluate groundwater management strategies, they need to be involved in the development of the GAM models. Furthermore, because the stakeholders are most familiar with their aquifers, they will also be relied upon to provide information and insight into how the aquifer works and important aquifer characteristics that need to be included in the models.
Stakeholder Advisory Forums (SAFs)

Model developers will be holding Stakeholder Advisory Forums (SAFs) during the development of the models. These forums are meant to update attendees on the progress of the models and to solicit comments and discussion on the progress and assumptions of the models. Stakeholders can consist of all levels of the public and private sector including Groundwater Conservation Districts, Regional Water Planning Groups (RWPGs), Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission (TNRCC), Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD), Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA), water utilities, education, agriculture, environmental, private landowners, citizens, industry and groundwater consultants. Anybody interested in the development of these models is encouraged to attend. There will be a separate SAF focused on each model. If you would like to be invited to these meetings, please fill out the online information form. Presentation materials and a summary of questions and answers will be posted on the individual model pages. Please contact Dr. Robert Mace at 512-936-0861 or at for more information about the SAFs.

Technical Advisory Group (TAG)

Before the request for proposals/request for qualifications was posted, the TWDB assembled a volunteer Technical Advisory Group (TAG) of technical and policy experts to advise us on developing a successful modeling program. The purpose of this group was to assist the TWDB in developing the standards for the GAM models that would be included in the Request for Proposals (RFP). These experts met several times during 1999-2000 to discuss the various issues related to developing groundwater availability models. The TAG divided itself into several task groups, including task groups on (1) public input; (2) aquifer geometry and parameters; (3) boundary conditions and stresses; (4) model calibration, verification, and architecture; and (5) data presentation. The final product of the TAG was the GAM RFP. The TAG met again in 2002 to discuss the ongoing modeling projects, how to improve the GAM process, and technical requirements for the next round of models

  Participants in the TAG were:
  Alaa Aly Waterstone
  Mary Ambrose TNRCC
  Roberto Anaya TWDB
  Rene Barker USGS
  Neil Blandford Daniel B. Stephens and Associates
  John Burke AQUA WCS, Region K, Lost Pines UWCD
  Cindy Cawley Plateau UWCSD
  Ali Chowdhury TWDB
  Andy Donnelly Guyton Associates
  Troy Dorman HDR
  Larry French McCulley, Frick, and Gilman
  Bob Harden R. W. Harden and Associates
  Weldon Hammond University of Texas-San Antonio
  David Jordan Daniel B. Stephens and Associates
  Larry Land HDR
  Marsh Lavenue Waterstone
  Cindy Loeffler Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
  Robert Mace TWDB
  David Maidment University of Texas-Austin
  J. Moreno URS
  Randy Palachek Parsons Engineering Services
  Jim Patek Parsons Engineering Services
  Ken Petersen Texas Rural Water Association
  Rima Petrossian TWDB
  Bridget Scanlon Bureau of Economic Geology
  Stefan Schuster TWDB
  Rainer Senger Duke Engineering
  R. Srinivasan Blackland Research Center
  Dan Stephens Daniel B. Stephens and Associates
  Teresa Stephens Radian
  Paul Tybor Hill Country UWCD
  Charlie Upchurch Texas Department of Agriculture
  Lloyd Urban Texas Tech Water Resources Center
  Clint Waggoner Radian
  Ted Way TWDB
  C. E. Williams Panhandle GWCD, Region A
  John K. Yu Parsons Engineering Services

The TAG met again on December 3, 2004, to discuss the progress of the Groundwater Availability Modeling (GAM) program and to seek guidance for future goals. TWDB staff presented staff's perspective on (1) what has worked and what needs improvement in the GAM program and (2) possible future modeling projects. Staff also solicited comments from TAG members in writing before the meeting, verbally during the meeting, and in writing after the meeting.

  Participants in the December 2004 TAG were:
  Roberto Anaya TWDB
  James Beach LBG-Guyton
  James Bene R. W. Harden and Associates
  Neil Blandford Daniel B. Stephens and Associates
  Ali Chowdhury TWDB
  Doug Coker TWDB
  Bruce Cole Freese and Nichols
  Neil Deeds Intera
  Andy Donnelly LBG-Guyton
  Scott Hamlin TWDB
  Weldon Hammond University of Texas-San Antonio
  Bob Harden R. W. Harden and Associates
  Bill Hutchison El Paso Water Utilities
  Ian Jones TWDB
  Bob Kier Bob Kier Consulting
  Robert Mace TWDB
  Pablo Martinez SAWS
  Tom Michel HGCSD
  Steve Musick TCEQ
  J.P. Nicot UT/BEG
  George Ozuna USGS
  Bob Pickens Region K
  John Pickens Intera
  Judy Reeves HPWD
  Cindy Ridgeway TWDB
  Rainer Sengor Intera
  Haskell Simon Region K
  Brian Smith BSEACD
  Richard Smith TWDB
  Bill Thaman TC&B
  Mike Turco USGS
  Venki Uddameri TAMUK
  David Villarreal TDA
  Shirley Wade TWDB
  Randy Williams TC&B

The TAG met again on August 18, 2005, to discuss (1) the progress of the Groundwater Availability Modeling (GAM) program;(2) form an advisory group and elect a presiding officier; (3) summarize legislation from the 2005 session; and (4)respond to the comments from the December 3, 2004 meeting.

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081805 GAMTAG summary.pdf (71 K, Adobe Acrobat PDF format) Meeting summary and participant list.

The TAG met again on April 20, 2007, to discuss (1) joint planning in Groundwater Management Areas and Groundwater Availability Modeling, (2) current status of Groundwater Availability Model and initiatives, (3) proposed work for Groundwater Availability Modeling team, and (4) TWDB responses to comments collected from the August 18, 2005, Groundwater Availability Modeling Technical Advisory Group meeting.

This button goes to the site described to the right
2007GAMTAG_meeting.pdf (163 K, Adobe Acrobat PDF format) Meeting summary and participant list.

Technical Advisory Group (TAG) rules
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No longer applicable.

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last updated: June 11, 2009