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the TWDB GAM team

The TWDB GAM team consists of a team leader (Cindy Ridgeway), six professionals experienced in groundwater flow models (Ali Chowdhury, Ian Jones, Richard Smith, & Shirley Wade), one expert in Geographical Information Systems (GIS: Roberto Anaya), and a field technician with almost thirty years of experience collecting groundwater related data in Texas (Doug Coker). Each team member has a background in geological and/or hydrogeological studies, research, analysis, and documentation of groundwater. The entire team has 141 years of combined experience in groundwater-related activities in Texas and beyond. In addition, we are seeking one more modeler.

Ms. Cindy Ridgeway (Manager V)
This is an image of Cindy Ridgeway, Program Specialist (TWDB GAM team leader)

Serves as the team leader of the Groundwater Availability Modeling Section. She has degrees in geology (B.S., M.S.) and has ten years of professional experience in hydrogeology including groundwater studies, state water planning, database development, field measurements, sampling protocol, numerical and analytical groundwater flow modeling, and contract management. Cindy was the contract manager for the central part of the Gulf Coast aquifer GAM and the Seymour aquifer GAM. In addition, she was a member of the team that helped develop the initial GAM of the Hill Country portion of the Trinity aquifer.return to top

Mr. Roberto Anaya (Hydrologist III)
This is an image of Roberto Anaya, Hydrologist III (TWDB GAM team member)

Earned a B.S. in Geosciences from the University of Houston and has ten years of professional experience in both surface water and groundwater studies. He has expertise in advanced GIS and remote sensing technology, programming, statistical techniques, subsurface characterization, numerical groundwater flow modeling, technical writing, geologic field methods, and Cretaceous geology of Texas. Roberto was contract manager for the Streamflow Gain-Loss Studies in Texas and Database of Historically Documented Springs in Texas projects. Roberto is also the contract manager of a research project for updating the Digital Climate Atlas of Texas. He was the lead modeler for the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) and Cenozoic Pecos Alluvium aquifer GAM and is one of the contact people for any questions concerning the geodatabases for the GAM program. In addition, Roberto was a member of the team that helped develop the initial GAM of the Hill Country portion of the Trinity aquifer.return to top

Dr. Ali Chowdhury (Geologist IV)
This is an image of Ali Chowdhury, Geologist IV (TWDB GAM team member)

Has degrees in geology (B.S., Ph.D.) and geological engineering (M.S.). He has fifteen years experience in hydrogeology including work on groundwater flow modeling, groundwater contamination assessment and remediation, groundwater protection, groundwater geochemistry and geochemical modeling and isotope hydrology. Ali’s research interest include flow system characterization of sedimentary basins using geochemistry, stable and radiogenic isotopes, and flow modeling. Ali was the lead modeler for the southern part of the Gulf Coast aquifer (Lower Rio Grande Valley) GAM and the central part of the Gulf Coast aquifer GAM. He was the contract manager for the development of the northern part of the Trinity and Woodbine aquifers GAM, the northern part of the Gulf Coast aquifer GAM, a research project to investigate the effects of recent pumping in the Dallas-Fort Worth area on the Trinity aquifer due to oil and gas production and the expansion of the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area, as well as the contract manager for a research project to develop structure for the Brazos River Alluvium aquifer. In addition, Ali was a member of the team that helped develop the initial GAM of the Hill Country portion of the Trinity aquifer. return to top

Mr. Doug Coker (Hydrologist I)
This is an image of Doug Coker, Program Specialist (TWDB GAM team member)

Has twenty-nine years experience with the TWDB. He has worked with geologists, hydrologists and engineers as their technical assistant in gathering the necessary field data for numerous projects throughout Texas. His expertise includes all aspects of groundwater data collection, as well as surface water data collection as applicable to groundwater studies. He has supervised test hole and production well drilling and aquifer testing. Doug is currently the contract manager for a research project to develop structure for the Llano Uplift aquifers.return to top

Dr. Ian Jones (Hydrologist IV)
This is an image of Ian Jones, Hydrologist IV (TWDB GAM team member)

Holds a Ph.D. in hydrogeology and has fifteen years experience in hydrogeology specializing in GIS applications, water quality, and groundwater flow modeling. He is currently the contract manager for the development of a GAM for the Dockum aquifer. Ian was the lead modeler for the GAM developed for the northern part of the Edwards (Balcones Fault Zone) aquifer, assisted with the calibration of the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) and Cenozoic Pecos Alluvium aquifer GAM, and is currently adding the Lower Trinity aquifer to the Hill Country part of the Trinity aquifer GAM.return to top

Mr. Richard Smith (Hydrologist III)
This is an image of Richard Smith, Geologist III (TWDB GAM team member)

Serves as the GAM Run Coordinator for the Groundwater Availability Modeling Section. He has degrees in geology (B.S., M.S.). He has twenty-four years of experience in hydrogeology including groundwater studies, state water planning, database development, field measurements, sampling protocol, numerical and analytical groundwater flow modeling, and contract management. Richard was the contract manager for the development of the GAM of the southern part of the Ogallala aquifer and the contract manager for the Lipan aquifer GAM. He is currently the contract manager for adding the Edwards-Trinity High Plains aquifer to the southern part of the Ogallala aquifer GAM.return to top

Dr. Shirley Wade (Hydrologist IV)
This is an image of Shirley Wade, Hydrologist IV (TWDB GAM team member)

Has degrees in Geophysics (B.S., M.S.) and Hydrogeology (M.S., Ph.D.). She has thirteen years experience in hydrogeology including groundwater flow modeling and GIS applications for groundwater studies. Shirley was the contract manager for adding the Queen City and Sparta aquifers to the three pre-existing GAMs for the Carrizo-Wilcox aquifers, as well as a contract manager for a research project on Evapotranspiration in Texas. She is currently working on developing a GAM for the Presidio-Redford Bolson portion of the West Texas Bolsons aquifer. return to top



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last updated: June 11, 2009