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Family Planning in Texas

Mother and Daughter

Family planning services help individuals determine the number and spacing of their children. This promotes positive birth outcomes and healthy families. The Texas Department of State Health Services helps fund over 300 clinic sites across the state that provide quality, comprehensive, low-cost, and easily accessible reproductive health care to women and men. Learn more about services available through the assistance of the Texas Family Planning program:

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Why is family planning important?
There are a lot of good reasons to practice family planning:

  • Healthier - Mothers and babies are both healthier when there are at least 2-3 years between the births of each child.

  • Happier - Families are usually happier when both the mother and the father are ready to welcome a new baby into their home.

  • Educated - Overall health is improved by reducing unintended pregnancies, teaching ways to prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and helping individuals identify the early signs of illnesses such as breast, cervical, and testicular cancer.

  • Prepared - Deciding the right time to have children allows time for preparation. This may include a decision to finish school or obtain a job that provides enough money to support a family.



  Grant Resources from The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy
  National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline Information
  New Cervical Cancer Resource and Information Website

HPV Vaccine Fact Sheets from the CDC




Contact Information

Texas Department of State Health Services
Preventive and Primary Care Unit, MC 1923
1100 W. 49th Street
PO Box 149347
Austin, TX 78714-9347
Phone: (512) 458-7796
Fax: (512)-458-7203

Email: Family Planning Feedback

Last Updated April, 2009

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