
Windstorm WPI-8 Certificate Search

Use this search screen if you need information on the status of a windstorm application (WPI-1), or if you need to reprint a certificate (WPI-8). Certificate reprints can only be made if a structure has been certified.
Please enter the Street Number,
and the first few characters of the Street Name

  Street Number:
  Street Name:
If an error message says to refine your search,
enter first three characters of the city
Address not found? Use the ‘%’ wildcard to broaden your search results:
  • Enter % after the first few digits of the Street Number, e.g. "123%"
  • Enter % before the first few characters of the Street Name, e.g. "%abc"
Example: to find 1011 12th Street North, use
  • Street Number: 101%
  • Street Name: %12
Your results might look like:
  • 1011 12th Street North
  • 101C – 103C South 12th Street
  • 1010 12½ Street North

Attention: Appointed Engineers
If during the course of the Windstorm inspection process you determine that there are items of non-compliance which you feel will prohibit you from continuing with the inspection, that file can be “Flagged” and “Disapproved” on the TDI Windstorm web-site by sending a short memo to the Windstorm Manager, briefly stating the issues you are aware of and requesting that the file be “Flagged” and “Disapproved”. This will allow viewers of that address/application ID number to be aware that there are concerns associated with the construction at that location.

Please contact the Windstorm department of the Texas Department of Insurance
at 1-800-248-6032 or windstorm@tdi.state.tx.us,
if you have any questions about the use of this application.
To check affected counties, please see the Map of the Designated Catastrophe Area.
search.jsp-PB-10/05/2009 06:16 PM