Texas Department of Insurance

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Texas Department of Insurance
Workers´ Compensation Working Group

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Goals of the workers´ compensation system in Texas:

  • Each employee shall be treated with dignity and respect when injured on the job;
  • Each injured employee shall have access to a fair and accessible dispute resolution process;
  • Each injured employee shall have access to prompt, high-quality medical care within the framework established by the Texas Workers´ Compensation Act;
  • Each injured employee shall receive services to facilitate the employee´s return to employment as soon as it is considered safe and appropriate by the employee´s health care provider.

Purpose of the Workers´ Compensation Health Care Network Act:

  • Authorize the establishment of workers´ compensation health care networks for the provision of workers´ compensation medical benefits;
  • Provide standards for the certification, administration, evaluation, and enforcement of the delivery of health care services to injured employees by networks.


Name Organization
Rick Levy AFL-CIO
Ron Cobb American Insurance Association
Shannon Meroney Association of Fire & Casualty Insurers of Texas
Lindsey Johnson Harris County
Lee Ann Alexander Liberty Mutual Insurance
Sam McMurry Lockheed- Martin
Brian White Office of Injured Employee Counsel
Rod Bordelon Office of Public Insurance Counsel
Creg Parks Physicians Cooperative of Texas
Ron Ziegler Positive Health Management
Joe Woods Property & Casualty Insurers Association
Dr. Bill DeFoyd Provider
Dr. David Gude Provider
David Kane Sam Kane Meat Processors, Inc.
Terry Myers State Office of Risk Management
Frank Perkins Teamsters
Kevin McGinnis Texas A&M University System
Bill Hammond Texas Association of Business
Jared Wolfe Texas Association of Health Plans
Kristi Addington Texas Association of School Boards
Patte Kent Texas Chiropractic Association
Jim Baker Texas Department of Transportation
Pam Beachley Texas Group Insurance Association
John Hawkins Texas Hospital Association
Rich Johnson Texas Medical Association
Michael Reed Texas Medical Association
Lee Spangler Texas Medical Association
Dr. Donald Patrick Texas Medical Board
Jaelene Fayhee Texas Mutual Insurance
Steve Norwood Texas Orthopedic Association
Sam Tessen Texas Osteopathic Medical Association
Judy Roach Texas Self Insurance
Virgil Dice The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research
Dr. Ford Brewer Toyota
Carol Bauer UniCare/Healthlink
Javier Garza University of Texas System
Bubba Klosterman Work & Rehabilitation

Links to Workers´ Compensation Working Group Agenda and Meeting Minutes

October 11, 2006 Agenda
October 11, 2006 Meeting Notes
September 11, 2006 Agenda
September 11, 2006 Meeting Notes
August 9, 2006 Agenda
August 9, 2006 Meeting Notes
May 24, 2006 Agenda
May 24, 2006 Meeting Notes
May 1, 2006 Agenda
May 1, 2006 Meeting Notes
April 19, 2006 Agenda
April 19, 2006 Meeting Minutes
March 22, 2006 Agenda
March 22, 2006 Meeting Minutes
March 9, 2006 Agenda
March 9, 2006 Meeting Minutes
December 14, 2005 Agenda
December 14, 2005 Meeting Minutes

For more information contact:

Last updated: 10/01/2008

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