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Current Construction and Proposed Future Facilities

The mission of the Infrastructure Division is to be the premier planning, design and construction team; recognized for customer-focused, innovative and enduring facilities which are valued and enjoyed by present and future generations. Our shared vision is to provide customer-focused planning, design and construction management for Texas Parks and Wildlife in compliance with codes and regulations and in a manner sensitive to the natural and cultural resources of the State of Texas.

Over the current biennium the Infrastructure Division is committed to the cost effective expenditure of $100 million in capital repairs. Currently the Agency’s Capital Program is funded by a combination of funding sources, of which General Obligation Proposition 8 and Proposition 4 Bond funds approved by Texas voters are specifically designated for Major Repair projects.

The Infrastructure Division coordinates a process to identify the highest priority major repair and construction projects needed by all Divisions, and recommends these for funding to the Texas Legislature.

Battleship TEXAS Dry-berthing and Repairs

Battleship TEXAS

Texas Voters approved $25 million in bonds for dry berthing the ship on November 6, 2007. The Battleship TEXAS Foundation pledged $4 million in private donations, the first $150,000 to be dedicated to a ship Survey and Engineering Study to determine the current condition of the ship. The Battleship TEXAS Foundation awarded a contract to Proceanic, Ltd. of Houston Texas to accomplish the study. The final and complete Proceanic report will be delivered in early April 2008.

The ship itself is 573 feet in overall length and weighs over 35,000 tons.

Built between 1912 and 1915, the Battleship TEXAS was launched May 12, 1912. It is not only the single surviving dreadnaught-type battleship in existence but the only one to have served in both World Wars and is a world-class destination for military history enthusiasts. Over 90 years of exposure and age have made it necessary to consider permanently removing the ship from the corrosive conditions of the Houston Ship Channel. The permanent dry berth, to be built in the location of the existing berth, will halt this erosion and will allow for subsequent external and internal repairs and restorations of the hull and superstructure while offering visitors a unique and magnificent view of the entire ship out of the water.

Kerr Conference Center

The design of a new 4,300 square foot Conference Center at Kerr was completed in December of 2007. The center will accommodate 100 people and contain a lobby, restrooms and a warming kitchen. The $1.3 million project will be largely donor funded, plus $250,000 from TxDOT and $115,000 in matching TPWD funds. Completion is scheduled for March 2009.

San Jacinto Visitor Center

San Jacinto Visitor Center

Plans are well underway for a new 12,500 square foot visitor-learning center at the San Jacinto Battleground/Monument State Historic site. The new visitor center will be the starting point for the visitor’s experience and provides a preliminary interpretation of the different elements at the site including the San Jacinto Battleground, the Battleship Texas and the Monument. It will bring together all of the staff offices that are currently in different locations. It’s located on the axis between the Monument and the Battleship so that the visitor can view all of the main features of the park from one location. The design consultants are currently performing the architectural programming work. An Environmental Assessment (EA) is required because the project is federally funded, and will be performed by a consultant hired by the architect. The EA will take 1 – 2 years to perform and must be done prior to design. Construction is scheduled to be complete in August 2012 with final closeout in February 2013.

Texas Game Warden Training Center

Texas Game Warden Training Center Administration Building

The new training center, located in Hamilton County, will include an administration building, education building, gymnasium, water rescue building, dining hall, cadet cabins, staff residences, infirmary, armory and emergency vehicles training course.

Buildings and facilities in the new Texas Game Warden Training Center will meet LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification standards. LEED standards promote design and construction practices that increase profitability and efficiency, while reducing the negative environmental impacts of buildings and improving occupant health and well-being such as:

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