Automated Registry - Main Page

Automated Registry

Office of Court Administration

The Automated Registry (AR) system is a secure browser-based system which allows criminal, family, and juvenile judges to submit a query for an individual appearing before the court. The query is submitted to multiple state agency databases and all results are returned to the AR system. The user is able to view the results in a consolidated format. Once the user has completed their review, the data is released from the system. The AR system does not retain any agency data after it has been viewed. The only data stored in the AR system is a history of the query requests, for audit purposes.

AR Data Sources

Agency Description Who may use Permitted
Texas Department of Public Safety Information related to state and national criminal history, state and national warrants, concealed handgun licenses, citizenship status, state and national driver’s history, vehicle registration, sex offender alerts, probation violators, protection order status, and threat to law enforcement alerts. Judges who hear criminal cases, and their staff For criminal case purposes only. Yes, Each user must complete a TLETS user agreement. Non-judges will need to have a background check performed
Texas Department of Criminal Justice Information on probation, parole, and incarceration for an individual. (Texas only) Judges who hear criminal cases, and their staff For criminal case purposes only. Not specific to TDCJ, but must have been approved to use the DPS systems.
Texas Department of Family and Protective Service Information on child protection cases. (Texas only) Judges who hear child protection cases, and their staff Limited to adjudicating child protection cases Yes, each user must complete a DFPS database user access agreement.
Texas Department of State Health Services – Mental Health Information about an individual who has had mental health care services provided by the State of Texas mental health system. Judges who hear criminal cases, and their staff Limited to continuity of care purposes in criminal cases. No
Texas Department of State Health Services – Court of Continuing Jurisdiction Identifies the court of continuing jurisdiction for suits affecting the parent/child relationship. (Texas only) Judges who hear family law cases, and their staff Limited to family law cases No

How do I get access to AR?

In FY10/11, OCA will add approximately 700 users to the AR system. The plan is to focus on courts in the major urban areas, the current users of the Judicial Webpage system, and other interested courts. OCA will add additional courts as funding becomes available.

If you are interested in having your court added to the implementation schedule, please contact Thomas Sullivan or Jeannette McGowan.

What do I need to access AR?

There is no cost to get access to the AR system. However, each user must have a computer that is connected to the internet, and a security token.

Each user will need to complete the AR User Agreement and submit to OCA. Once the user’s request is approved, OCA will provide the user with a security token, AR user-id and AR password.

Implementation Schedule

OCA is currently developing the schedule, but expects to begin implementing AR around the state in October 2009.

Contact Information

For more information about AR, email the Automated Registry administrator or call Thomas Sullivan at (512) 463-8109 or Jeannette McGowan at (512) 936-1806

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Updated: 15-Sep-2009

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