TSSWCB Programs

The conservation efforts of the TSSWCB are centered around the following key programs.

Ranch House SWCD Assistance - The TSSWCB provides assistance to SWCDs through programs it administers and through TSSWCB field representatives that meet regularly with the SWCDs to provide guidance and consultation.

Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Program - In 1993, the Texas Legislature took a major step toward controlling water pollution from agricultural and silvicultural nonpoint sources when it passed Senate Bill 503. Senate Bill 503 authorized the TSSWCB to assist agricultural and silvicultural producers in meeting the state's water quality goals and standards through this voluntary, incentive-based program. There are special requirements regarding Poultry WQMPs.

State Brush Control Program - This is a voluntary program in which landowners may contract with the state for cost-share assistance. Working through local soil and water conservation districts, landowners develop resource management system plans addressing brush control, soil erosion, water quality, wildlife habitat and other natural resource issues.

Statewide Nonpoint Source Management Program - 319(h) Grant Program - Through the grant program established under Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency provides funding to Texas to implement activities that achieve Congress' goal of controlling and abating nonpoint source pollution.

Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Program - Section 303(d) of the federal Clean Water Act requires Texas to identify waterbodies failing to meet or not expected to meet water quality standards and not supporting their designated uses. The State must then establish a TMDL that defines the maximum amount of a pollutant that the waterbody can assimilate on a daily basis and still meet water quality standard and allocates pollutant loads between point sources and nonpoint sources. Based on this environmental target, an Implementation Plan (I-Plan) is developed that prescribes the measures necessary to mitigate anthropogenic (human-caused) sources of that pollutant in that waterbody. Together, the TMDL and the I-Plan serve as the mechanism to reduce the pollutant, restore the full use of the waterbody

Watershed Protection Plan (WPP) Program - TSSWCB provides guidance and technical assistance to local stakeholer groups in developing and implementing WPPs. A WPP is a coordinated framework for implementing prioritized and integrated water quality protection and restoration strategies driven by environmental objectives. Developed and implemented through diverse, well integrated partnerships, a WPP assures the long-term health of the watershed with strategies for protecting unimpaired waters and restoring impaired waters. WPPs serve as tools to better leverage the resources of local governments, state and federal agencies, and non-governmental organizations.

Comprehensive Nutrient Management Planning in the North Bosque River Watershed - Responsibilities stemming from the North Bosque River TMDLs for phosphorus required that the TSSWCB develop a Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP) Program for owners and operators of both permitted and unpermitted animal feeding operations.

Bosque River and Leon River Watersheds Composting Initiative - The TSSWCB initiated the Dairy Manure Export Support (DMES) project in an effort to bring an innovative solution to the problem of elevated phosphorus levels in the North Bosque and Leon River watersheds.

Environmental Data Quality Management - The TSSWCB, along with its cooperating entities and laboratories, are committed to the application of sound science, appropriate quality assurance standards, and practicality in supporting agricultural and silvicultural nonpoint source abatement and prevention activities. Quality assurance activities are conducted by the TSSWCB and its cooperating entities to ensure that all environmental data generated and processed are scientifically valid; of known precision and accuracy; and legally defensible regarding methodology.

Coastal Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program - The TSSWCB manages the agricultural and silvicultural portions of this State program, which is designed to control coastal nonpoint source pollution.

Information & Education - The TSSWCB facilitates educational activities through local SWCDs on issues such as soil conservation, erosion prevention, wildlife preservation, and other natural resource stewardship efforts.