Texas Governor Perry
Governor's Organization

The Governor’s office is a uniquely entrepreneurial organization of leaders committed to supporting Gov. Perry’s vision for a better, more prosperous Texas. With responsibilities ranging from the research and creation of policy initiatives to the state’s job creation efforts, the Office of the Governor plays a key role in shaping the future of the Lone Star State.

Offices of the Governor

  • Because healthy Texans live better longer, Gov. Perry created this Council to take the lead on improving the state’s overall fitness through sports, health and nutrition education, and exercise.

    The Texas Department of State Health Services administers and distributes the Governor’s Advisory Council on Physical Fitness (GACPF) grant applications.  The funds are made available through General Appropriations Act 2010-11 Biennium, Department of State Health Services, Article 2, Section 75, Governor’s Advisory Council on Physical Fitness.  The grants allow local mayors’ councils to develop and implement fitness programs in communities across the state.  Local fitness councils have the ability to bring together key members of the community to identify local solutions that are tailored to address the needs of the community.  Strategies that increase physical activity levels include community-wide campaigns to enhance access to and awareness of places for safe, physical activity.  Local fitness councils can also bring together organizations, agencies and businesses that share in the vision of a healthier, more physically active community, and leverage these resources into a larger, more visible community-wide effort. More information on grant proposal requirements can be found at the below link:
    Governor’s Advisory Council on Physical Fitness (GACPF) grant application.

  • In the course of a four-year term, the Governor will appoint more than 3,000 people to lead boards, commissions and other oversight groups in Texas. This team is constantly on the lookout for the most talented in the state.

  • The skilled analysts of the Budget, Planning and Policy Division advise the Governor on key policy issues, especially those pertaining to his statutory role as Texas’ Chief budget officer.

  • Gov. Perry is a strong advocate for women, expressed through this Commission’s efforts to promote opportunities for Texas women through outreach, education, research and referral services.

  • Gov. Perry’s Committee on People with Disabilities pursues his vision of a state where people with disabilities can enjoy full and equal access to lives of independence, productivity and self determination.

  • Gov. Perry is committed to maintaining a two-way conversation with Texans that leads to greater understanding. Constituent Communication provides the link between the governor and the people of Texas by reviewing and responding to letters, faxes, e-mails and phone calls.

  • CJD’s mission is to significantly contribute to public safety and the reduction of crime in Texas through the deliberate deployment of strategy, direction and support.

  • There is no better place than Texas to live, work and raise a family and this group shares that message with expanding companies and visitors from all over the world.

  • Gov. Perry’s belief in fiscally responsible government includes his own office. Financial Services ensures that all financial transactions in the governor’s office set the highest standard for the state.

  • The Office of the General Counsel provides legal advice to the Governor and his team, handling the broad range of issues encountered in leading the second largest state in the nation.

  • Gov. Perry established his Office of Homeland Security in 2003 to protect Texas citizens, infrastructure and key resources from all threats including natural and manmade disasters.

  • Human Resources Division customers include applicants seeking employment, students pursuing the Texas Governor’s Fellowship Program, and Governor’s Office employees in need of HR policy and program support.

  • Reporters remain the primary conduit of communication with the people of Texas, so the Press Office works closely with them to convey Gov. Perry’s perspective and vision for a better Texas.

  • As the chief executive of the State of Texas, the governor has many responsibilities and often times, a full schedule to fulfill these duties.  The governor’s scheduling and advance office is responsible for responding to requests for the Governor’s time in an efficient and courteous manner, as well as organizing the logistics of the governor’s attendance at local, state, national and international events.  This office creates a clear, concise schedule for the governor on a daily basis.

  • The mission of the State Grants Team is to increase Texas’ access to available federal funds.

  • The mission of the Texas Statistical Analysis Center shall be to collect, analyze and report statewide criminal justice statistics; evaluate the effectiveness of state-funded initiatives; and disseminate analysis results to practitioners, policy-makers, researchers, and the public in order to enhance the quality of criminal justice and crime prevention at all levels of government.

  • Since 1971, the Texas Film Commission has been informing filmmakers of the state’s complete range of film-related services, locations and full complement of facilities from pre- through postproduction.

  • Healthcare challenges affect all Texans, absorbing a large percentage of both state and personal resources. Gov. Perry charged this Council to recommend informed improvements to the health care system in Texas.

  • This Commission continues our state’s proud military history and strong relationship with the military by working to preserve and expand the state’s eighteen major military installations.

  • The Texas Music Office serves as the information clearinghouse and promotion office for the Texas music industry.

  • Our state’s greatest natural resource is Texans. This Council works to improve the overall quality of our state’s workforce, emphasizing education and training that meet the needs of the modern economy.