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Tax Publications: Numerical Order

Tax Publications by Subject Matter | Publicaciones sobre Impuestos en Español

Number Publication Name Subject
94-101 Tax Exemptions for Agriculture Sales Tax
94-101s Exención de impuestos para la agricultura Impuesto sobre Ventas
94-104 Film, Video and Audio Production Companies and Broadcasting Companies Sales Tax
94-105 Guidelines for Collecting Local Sales and Use Tax (PDF)
(Currently being revised to include changes from SB 636)
Sales Tax
94-105s Guía para la recaudación del impuesto local sobre ventas y uso Impuesto sobre Ventas
94-106 Credit Reporting Services Sales Tax
94-107 Debt Collection Services Sales Tax
94-108 Engaged in Business Sales Tax
94-108s Actividad Comercial Impuesto sobre Ventas
94-109 Information Services Sales Tax
94-110 Insurance Services Sales Tax
94-111 Cleaning and Janitorial Services Sales Tax
94-111s Servicios de limpieza Impuesto sobre Ventas
94-112 Landscaping and Lawn Care Services Sales Tax
94-112s Servicios de Jardinería Ornamental y Cuidado de Céspedes Impuesto sobre Ventas
94-113 Motor Vehicle Repairs Sales Tax
94-113s Reparaciones de Vehículos de Motor Impuesto sobre Ventas
94-114 Pest Control Services (PDF) Sales Tax
94-115 Ready-to-Eat Food (PDF) Sales Tax
94-115s Comida Lista Para Comer Impuesto sobre Ventas
94-116 Real Property Repair and Remodeling Sales Tax
94-116s Reparación y Remodelación de Bienes Raíces Impuesto sobre Ventas
94-117 Restaurants and the Texas Sales Tax Sales Tax
94-117s Restaurantes y el Impuesto sobre la Venta en Texas Impuesto sobre Ventas
94-119 Security Services (PDF) Sales Tax
94-123 Water and Wastewater Systems Sales Tax
94-124 Manufacturing Exemptions Sales Tax
94-127 Data Processing Services are Taxable Sales Tax
94-130 Insurance Maintenance Tax Rates and Assessments on 2008 Premiums (PDF) Insurance Tax
94-132 Sales Tax on Telecommunications Services Sales Tax
94-139 Bottlers Sales Tax
94-142 Surplus Lines Tax Exemptions/Preemptions (PDF) Insurance Tax
94-143 Draftsmen and Designers Sales Tax
94-147 2009 Legislative Changes to Motor Vehicle Sales and Use Tax For County Tax Assessor-Collectors and Motor Vehicle Dealers Motor Vehicle Sales Tax
94-153 Gun Shows and the Texas Sales and Use Tax Sales Tax
94-154 Texas Motor Vehicle Leasing Companies Legislative Update Texas Emissions Reduction Plan (TERP)
94-155 Sales Tax Exemption for Over-the-Counter Drugs and Medicines (PDF) Sales Tax
94-157 Homebuilders and Real Property Services Sales Tax
94-157s Constructores de Viviendas y Servicios de Bienes Raíces Impuesto sobre Ventas
94-159 Texas Motor Vehicle Dealers Legislative Update Motor Vehicle Sales Tax
94-160 Off-Road, Heavy-Duty Diesel Equipment Surcharge Texas Emissions Reduction Plan (TERP)
94-162 Fireworks (PDF) Fireworks
94-162s Impuesto sobre fuegos artificiales Fuegos Artificiales
94-164 Ready-Mix Concrete Sales, Delivery and Pumping Services Sales Tax
94-166 Local Option Property Tax Exemption for Charitable Organizations Exempt Organizations
94-167 Texas 9-1-1 Emergency Service Fee and 9-1-1 Equalization Surcharge 911 Emergency Communications
94-168 Aircraft and the Texas Sales and Use Tax Sales Tax
94-169 Volunteer Fire Department Assistance Fund Assessment (PDF) Insurance Tax
94-170 Boat and Boat Motor Taxes Boat Tax
94-171 Internet Orders - Buying and Selling Sales Tax
94-172 Customs Brokers - New Requested Documentation Sales Tax
94-172s Agentes de Aduanas - Se Solicita Nueva Documentación Impuesto sobre Ventas
94-176 Photographers and Texas Sales Tax (PDF) Sales Tax
94-179 Out-of-State Wineries and Texas Taxes Sales Tax
94-182 Disasters and Texas Sales Tax Sales Tax
94-183 School Fundraisers and Texas Sales Tax (PDF) Sales Tax
94-186 Skydiving Sales Tax
94-187 Mold Remediation Services Sales Tax
96-114 The Texas Franchise Tax on Corporations
(applies to reports originally due before January 1, 2008)
Franchise Tax
96-114s El Impuesto de Franquicia en Texas para Corporaciones
(Para los informes originalmente pagaderos antes del 1º de enero de 2008)
Impuesto de Franquicia
96-116 Motor Vehicle Sales, Use, and Rental Tax (PDF) Motor Vehicle Sales Tax
96-122 Exempt Organizations - Sales and Purchases (PDF) Exempt Organizations
96-122s Organizaciones Exentas - Ventas y Compras Organizaciones Exentas
96-127 Your Estate Under Texas Law Inheritance Tax
96-132 Texas Sales Tax Rates Sales Tax
96-141 Fair Market Value Deduction (PDF) Motor Vehicle Sales Tax
96-143 Motor Vehicle Rental Tax Guidebook (PDF) Motor Vehicle Sales Tax
96-145 Rules of Practice and Procedure (PDF) General
96-146 Notice of Routine Audit (PDF) General
96-161 Crude Oil Tax Guide (PDF) Minerals
96-199 Texas Occupation Tax for Oil and Gas Well Services Oil Well Servicing Tax
96-203 Natural Gas Tax Guide (PDF) Minerals
96-211 Flea Markets - Sales and Use Tax Responsibilities and Requirements (PDF) Sales Tax
96-211s Los Impuestos de Venta Para los "Mercados de Pulgas" Impuesto sobre Ventas
96-224 Hotel Occupancy Tax Exemptions Exempt Organizations
Hotel Occupancy Tax
96-224s Exención de Impuestos para la Ocupación de Hoteles Impuesto sobre la Ocupación de Hotel
96-237 Sales Tax Updates Sales Tax
96-251 Crude Oil and Natural Gas Tax Review Minerals Tax
96-256 Coin-Operated Amusement Machine Regulation and Taxation Coin Operated Machines
96-256s Reglamentación e Impuesto a Las Máquinas de Diversión Máquinas de Diversión
96-259 Taxable Services Sales Tax
96-259s Servicios Imponibles Impuesto sobre Ventas
96-265 Texas Taxpayer Bill of Rights (PDF) General
96-265 Declaración de derechos de Contribuyente de Texas (PDF) General
96-266 Informant's Recovery Program (PDF) Audit
96-273 State Tax Exemptions for People with Disabilities Sales Tax
96-273s Exenciones de Impuestos Estatales para Personas Discapacitadas Impuesto sobre Ventas
96-275 Electronic Funds Transfer (PDF) Electronic Tax Reporting
96-276 Trade Shows and the Texas Sales and Use Tax Sales Tax
96-280 Grocery and Convenience Stores: Taxable and Nontaxable Sales (PDF) Sales Tax
96-280s Supermercados y Tiendas de Conveniencia: Ventas Imponibles y No Imponibles Impuesto sobre Ventas
96-290 PC Filing of State and Local Sales Taxes - General Instructions (PDF) Sales Tax
96-299 Transmit Your Tax and Payment Data with Electronic Data Interchange (PDF) Electronic Tax Reporting
96-325 Mixed Beverage Gross Receipts Tax Guidebook (PDF) Mixed Beverage
96-334 Computer-Assisted Auditing (PDF) Audit
96-336 International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) Texas Guidebook (PDF) IFTA
96-336s El Acuerdo Internacional del Impuesto sobre Combustible (PDF) IFTA
96-339 Jurisdictions That Impose Local Sales Tax on Telecommunications Services Sales Tax
96-385 Tax Policy News General
96-493 Cigarette Tax Recovery Trust Fund Cigarette and Tobacco Products
96-536 Tobacco Sales Warning Sign (PDF) Tobacco Products -
Regulatory Information
96-536s ¿Vendes o compras productos de tabaco? (PDF) Productos de Tabaco - Información Regulativa
96-537 Tobacco Warning Sticker (PDF) Tobacco Products -
Regulatory Information
96-537s Pegatina de aviso de tobacco (PDF) Productos de Tobacco - Información Regulativa
96-541 Buying or Selling Tobacco Products to Minors - Brochure (PDF) Tobacco Products -
Regulatory Information
96-576 Voluntary Disclosure Agreements Voluntary Disclosure
96-590 Electronic Funds Transfer Payment Instruction Booklet (PDF) Electronic Tax Reporting
96-646 Tax Responsibility Guide General
96-646s Guía de Responsabilidad Tributaria General
96-667 Automobile Burglary and Theft Prevention Authority Assessment - Procedure For Requesting Refunds Insurance Tax
96-727 Motor Fuels Tax Legislative Update Fuels Tax
96-727_2 Motor Fuels Tax Reminder Fuels Tax
96-793 Texas Tax Policy and E-Commerce Issues (E-TAG Report) Internet Tax
96-888 WebFile: File Your Texas Sales Tax Return Online (PDF) Electronic Reporting
96-928 Information for Texas Tobacco Retailers (PDF) Cigarette, Cigar and Tobacco Products Tax
96-959 Information for Non-Retailers Who Buy and Sell Cigarette, Cigar and Tobacco Products (PDF) Cigarette, Cigar and Tobacco Products Tax
96-1045 Guidelines to Texas Tax Exemptions Exempt Organizations
96-1079 Identification Guidelines for Retail Tobacco Sales - Flyer (PDF) Tobacco Products -
Regulatory Information
96-1080 I check ID - Register Sticker (PDF) Tobacco Products -
Regulatory Information
96-1081 How Can You Be Sure They're Eighteen - Poster (PDF) Tobacco Products -
Regulatory Information
96-1082 Texas Guidelines for Retail Tobacco Sales - Employee Booklet (PDF) Tobacco Products -
Regulatory Information
96-1112 Texas Agricultural Tax Exemptions (PDF) Sales Tax
96-1202 State of Texas Motor Fuel Tax Requirements for Motor Carriers Domiciled in Mexico (PDF) Fuels Tax
96-1202s Transportista domiciliado en México (PDF) Impuesto sobre Combustible
96-1220 Motor Vehicle Tax: County Procedures for Standard Presumptive Value and Used Motor Vehicles (PDF) Motor Vehicle Sales Tax
96-1244 Major Changes for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Taxes (PDF) Minerals Tax
96-1246 County TAC Bulletin No. 1, Commissions: Changes in 2007 (PDF) Motor Vehicle Sales Tax
96-1249 Project Fresh Start - A Texas Taxes Amnesty Program (PDF) General
96-1253 Contesting Disagreed Audits (PDF) Audit
96-1253s Disputando auditorias con las cuales está en desacuerdo Auditoria
96-1269 Important TEXNET Information and Due Date Schedule (PDF) Electronic Reporting
96-1309 Texas Tax Information for Retail Sellers of Electricity (PDF) Miscellaneous Gross Receipts Tax
96-1331 Energy Star Sales Tax Holiday Sales Tax
98-103 Exempt Organizations and Taxpayer Identification Numbers (PDF) Exempt Organizations
98-103s Organizaciones Exentas y Números de Identificación de los Contribuyentes Organizaciones Exentas
98-117 Buying An Existing Business General
98-117s Comprando Un Negocio Existente General
98-298 Motor Vehicle Sales Tax Warning Poster (English/Spanish) (PDF) Motor Vehicle Sales Tax
98-304 Interest Rate Change Notice General
98-376 Tax on Independently Procured Insurance Insurance Tax
98-490 Sales Tax Holiday Sales Tax
98-490s Fin de Semana Libre de Impuestos sobre las Ventas Impuesto sobre Ventas
98-538 Automobile Burglary and Theft Prevention Authority (PDF) Insurance Tax
98-547 Mixed Beverage Gross Receipts Tax: Important Reminder Mixed Beverage
98-582 Hotel Occupancy Tax Notice Hotel Occupancy Tax
98-584 Farm Vehicles and Machinery Sales Tax Exemptions Sales Tax
98-627 Recent Changes To The International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) IFTA
98-630 Notice for Cigarette, Cigar, and/or Tobacco Products Manufacturers Cigarette and Tobacco Products Tax
98-661 How to Claim a Tax Refund for Gasoline Used in Off Highway Equipment (PDF) Fuels Tax
98-668 Requirements to Renew Your Manufacturer's Permit Cigarette and Tobacco Products Tax
98-681 Changes in the Diesel-Powered Equipment Surcharge Sales Tax
98-685 Changes and Deadlines for Motor Fuels Tax Refund Claims Fuels Tax
98-697 Information for Internet, Mail Order, and Telephone Cigarette Sellers Cigarette and Tobacco Products Tax
98-709 Carpet Cleaning and Related Services Sales Tax
98-723 Reminder to Dyed Diesel Fuel Bonded Users Recordkeeping Requirements Fuels Tax
98-776 County Tax Assessor-Collectors Important Information About Taxes on Un-repaired Salvage Vehicles (PDF) Motor Vehicle Sales Tax
98-778 Notice To Vehicle Dealers - Taxable Promotional Items Sales Tax
98-796 January 1, 2006, Reminder Concerning Motor Fuel Exported or Sold for Export to Another State (PDF) Motor Fuels Tax
98-803 Changes to the Texas Motor Vehicle Sales/Use Tax and Surcharge Report (Form 14-115)(PDF) Motor Vehicle Sales Tax
98-805 Motorcycles - Sales Tax on Street-Legal and Off-Road Vehicles (PDF) Motor Vehicle Sales Tax
98-806 Franchise Tax Overview Franchise Tax
98-807 Buying a Used Motor Vehicle? (PDF) Motor Vehicle Sales Tax
98-807s ¿Comprando un vehículo de motor usado? (PDF) Impuesto sobre ventas de vehículos de motor
98-810 Notice to Texas Distributors of Cigarette and Tobacco Products (PDF) Cigarette and Tobacco Products Tax
98-811 Notice to Retailers and Wholesalers of Cigarettes and Tobacco Products (PDF) Cigarette and Tobacco Products Tax
98-818 Your IFTA Tax Return May Have the Wrong Rate For the First Quarter, 2007 (PDF) IFTA
98-820 Related Finance Companies and Seller-Financed Sales (PDF) Motor Vehicle Sales Tax
98-823 Sale of Dyed Diesel Fuel (PDF) Fuels Tax
98-824 Notice - New Warning Signs Required (PDF) Tobacco Products -
Regulatory Information
98-827 Notice - Changes Concerning the Collection and Reporting of Local Sales and Use Taxes (PDF) Sales Tax
98-830 Simpler Local Sales and Use Tax Reporting (PDF) Sales Tax
98-831 Notice to Mixed Beverage License Holders 2007 (PDF) Mixed Beverage
98-843 Update: Paperwork Reduced for Motor Vehicle Rental Taxpayers (PDF) Motor Vehicle Sales Tax
98-850 New Law Creates Cigarette Fire Safety Standards (PDF) Cigarette and Tobacco Products
Notice Sexually Oriented Business Fee Notification (PDF) Sexually Oriented Business Fee
Report of the Texas Internet Tax Policy Working Group Internet Tax
Update 2007 Insurance Legislative Update Insurance Tax
98-874 Notice: All Cigar and Tobacco Products Permit Holders - New laws take effect September 1, 2009 (PDF) Cigarette and Tobacco Products

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