Texas Education Agency - Administrative Rules

The rules adopted by the State Board of Education (SBOE) and the Commissioner of Education are part of a larger body of state agency rules known as the Texas Administrative Code (TAC). These rules are collected and published by the Office of the Secretary of State. SBOE and commissioner's rules are codified under Title 19, Part II, of the TAC. Title 19 is Education, and Part II is the Texas Education Agency. The SBOE and the Commissioner of Education may adopt new rules or amendments to existing rules.
Recent Updates
Updates to the Texas Administrative Code (09-16-09)
Summary of Commissioner Rule Actions (09-16-09)

Texas Administrative Code - Currently in Effect

Updates to the Texas Administrative Code

NOTE: The Texas Education Agency makes every effort to ensure that the information published on this Internet site is secure; however, due to the limitations of Internet security, the rules published here are for information only, and do not represent legal documentation.

Procedures to Petition for Adoption of Rule Changes

State Board of Education Rules

Commissioner of Education Rules

Rule Review Plans

Proposed SBOE Rules

Adopted SBOE Rules - Not Yet Effective

Proposed Commissioner Rules

Adopted Commissioner Rules - Not Yet Effective

Withdrawn Commissioner Rules

Procedures Concerning Commissioner Rules

Summary of Commissioner Rule Actions

State Board of Education Rule Review Plan

Commissioner Rule Review Plan


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Last updated: September 16, 2009

Division of Policy Coordination
(512) 475-1497
