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The Texas High School Project (THSP) is a unique public-private alliance created in 2003 to ensure that all Texas high school students will have the opportunity to achieve their highest educational potential and enhance state competitiveness for the future. The Texas High School Project vision is that all Texas high school students will graduate.

College Ready. Career Ready. Life Ready.


Funds are granted primarily to programs targeting students who are traditionally underserved including those at-risk of dropping out, English language learners, economically disadvantaged and first generation college goers.

Program Description:

Texas High School Project Primary Focus Areas:
  • Economically disadvantaged students
  • First-generation college students
  • Urban areas and Texas-Mexico border
    (The Texas Education Agency and The Higher Education Coordinating Board invest broadly in all geographic areas and student populations across the state.) 
Texas High School Project Investments:
The Texas High School Project Alliance includes:
  • Texas Education Agency (TEA)
  • The Texas Legislature
  • Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB)
  • Office of the Governor
  • Communities Foundation of Texas (CFT)
  • Michael and Susan Dell Foundation
  • Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
  • Greater Texas Foundation
  • National Instruments
  • Meadows Foundation
  • Wallace Foundation 



A longitudinal comprehensive evaluation of more than 100 schools funded through THSP is being conducted by SRI International. The THSP Evaluation will have an Annual Report published every year, beginning Fall 2009.  

A state-level evaluation of the context for policy reform was completed by SRI in December 2008.

Funding Status:

    Public: State and Federal to date


    Private foundations    




*As of February, 2009

Laws, Rules and Guidelines:

General Appropriations Act for the 2008-2009 Biennium: Article 111- Education Texas Education Agency (III-18)

Riders 53(a): HB 2237, Section 39.115 High School Innovation Grant Initiative


Texas High School Project web site

Informational video about THSP (7 minutes)

