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Return to TEA Homepage Driver Training and Education  
(a.k.a. Ticket Dismissal Class, Insurance Discount Class, DDC,
Traffic School, Seat Belt Class, and Defensive Driving Class)
List of DS Course Providers

I want to become a driving safety instructor.  How do I do that?

Course providers conduct periodic classes to teach the 36-hour instructor development course. Contact one or more of them to learn where and when their next instructor development classes (IDC) will be conducted, how much they charge, etc.

Are there any prerequisites to becoming a driving safety instructor?

There are no educational prerequisites.  However, there are requirements of good reputation and professional conduct.

There is only one state-approved driving safety course, right?

No, there are more than 40 driving safety courses that are currently approved in Texas, and each of them has a different name and license number.  

If I am trained as a driving safety instructor in one course, is that the only course that I'm allowed to teach?

Yes.  You are allowed to teach only the driving safety course for which you're trained until you receive training in a different driving safety course.

Is it okay to be endorsed to teach more than one driving safety course?

Yes.  You may teach any number of driving safety courses if you have a current driving safety instructor license with endorsements for each course.  

Does a driving safety instructor license authorize me to teach the course wherever and whenever I want to?

No, you must teach in a licensed school or in an approved classroom location of that school, and the school must have approval to teach that specific course.

When I become an instructor, will I give completion certificates to the students after each driving safety class?

No.  You will certify that each student has successfully completed the course, and you will send that certified list of the graduates to your course provider, who will then mail certificates to the students.

How much do I have to pay to become a driving safety instructor?

Course providers establish their own rates for the instructor training.  Please contact them.  In addition, TEA charges $75 as an application fee when you initially apply for your instructor license.

Where can I obtain the application form to become a driving safety instructor?

Each of the course providers has instructor application forms, and they are also available on this website at www.tea.state.tx.us/drive/instappindex.html .

Who should I contact if I have other questions about being trained and licensed as a driving safety instructor?

Mr. Colin Matthews works within the Licensing Section at the Driver Training Division.  Call him at (512) 936-6785, or send an e-mail to him at Colin.Matthews@tea.state.tx.us or send a fax to him at (512) 936-6799.

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Do I need to be an instructor to open a driving safety school?

No, a school owner does not need to hold a license as a driving safety instructor.  However, your course provider must approve the use of his or her course in your school, and your school must employ at least one driving safety instructor who maintains a current driving safety instructor license with an endorsement from the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to teach that specific driving safety course.

How do I open a driving safety school?

You may request a driving safety school application packet from the driver training division at (512) 936-6777.  The cost of the packet is $15.

The packet you receive will include Title 5, Texas Education Code, Chapter 1001; the Commissioner's Driver Training Rules; a driving safety school application; a driving safety instructor application; and instructions for filling out the applications and required forms.

You may also download Title 5, Texas Education Code, Chapter 1001 and the Commissioner's Rules from our website, and obtain a set of the DS school application forms from your course provider.  If you receive the law, rules, and application forms in that way, the $15 fee is waived.

You should mail the completed application, forms, and the application fee(s) to your course provider who will review them and sign the form that allows the use of his or her course at your school.  The course provider will then forward your entire application packet to the TEA Driver Training Division.

Do I need a school bond?

No, each course provider has a surety bond that covers his or her operation as well as all of the schools that teach that specific driving safety course.

How much does it cost to open a driving safety school?

The TEA has a one-time fee of $150 for a driving safety school application.  There is also a one-time fee of $15 for your administrative staff member.  

Where can I obtain the driving safety school application forms?

Each of the course providers has copies of the driving safety school application forms and exhibits.

Is there any restriction on where my classroom may be located?

There are some restrictions; for example, you are not permitted to teach in a private residence, the classroom environment must be conducive to learning, and alcohol should not be present.  

Is my facility required to meet ADA standards?

The Texas Education Code requires that a school must comply with all county, municipal, state, and federal regulations, and as of 1992, a law established requirements for businesses of all sizes to meet the goals of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  If any part of that Act applies to your business, it is your responsibility to know and comply.  Additional information is at www.usdoj.gov/crt/ada/business.htm

When may I begin advertising and instructing students at my school?

According to Title 5, Texas Education Code, Chapter 1001, you are not permitted to advertise, solicit, or instruct students until you receive a driving safety school license.  It will take at least 30 days from the date you submit a complete application (including fees) for TEA to approve your school license.

Who should I contact if I have other questions about opening a driving safety school?

Please contact Kay Bruner at Kay.Bruner@tea.state.tx.us , or telephone (512) 936-6779, or fax (512) 936-6799.

Last Update
May 29, 2008

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