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Well Information/
Groundwater Data

Of the 1,000,000 plus water wells drilled in Texas over the past 100 years, more than 130,000 have been inventoried and placed into the TWDB groundwater database. State well numbers have been assigned to these based on their location within numbered 7 1/2 minute quadrangles formed by lines of latitude and longitude. The database contains well information including location, depth, well type, owner, driller, construction and completion data, aquifer, water-level and water quality data.

Ground water-level information includes state well number, depth from land surface datum, date of measurement, measuring agency, method of measurement, remarks where appropriate, and designation of measurement as publishable or non-publishable. As of October 2004, more than 74,500 wells in the database had miscellaneous measurements, and some 8,300 were classified as current observation wells with at least one yearly measurement.

Ground water-quality information includes state well number, date of sampling event, time, collection remarks, reliability of sampling method remark, collecting agency, indication of whether the sample is balanced or unbalanced, lab-calculated pH, phenol and total alkalinity, hardness, specific conductance, SAR, RSC, total dissolved solids, and major anions and cations. In some instances, analyses are performed for infrequent constituents (metals), organics, nutrients, and radioactive constituents. More than 104,000 total analyses from 55,000 ground-water sites are entered in the database, and approximately 493,000 infrequets constituents have also been entered.

The numerous state agencies charged with administering the Texas constitution and laws pertaining to the use, development, conservation, and protection of ground-water resources have published ground-water reports, annotated in the Publications Catalog (see links below) of the Texas Water Development Board, and indexed by county. Please contact David Thorkildsen to request water-quality, water-level, or well-record information.

David Thorkildsen
(512) 936-0871

Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) - All Rights Reserved